Dr. Tom Cocklereece

Dr. Tom Cocklereece


6 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - 3 Things I Would and 3... · 1 reply · +1 points

Ron, I particularly like your comments about "Caged Momentum." In my ministry of helping pastors launch disciple-making as a process using Simple Discipleship principles I find that many leaders want to launch "next Sunday" even though they are coached to build urgency. Building urgency is one of THE most important steps to successfully launching something new whether it is a church or a new discipleship process. It seems that patience is not a widely held value among church planters or pastors. However, it is not passive patience; instead it must be an active patience as a farmer or gardener has come to appreciate.

13 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - How to Guarantee No On... · 3 replies · +1 points

Ron, another sure fire way to guarantee no one disagrees with you as a leader is to be a "Bully Leader" and create a culture that resists disagreement and challenging ideas. Eventually the leader will have everyone agreeing with him or her.

13 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - 5 Suggestions For Addi... · 1 reply · +1 points

I would add:

The new structure should further the organization's mission, vision, and build buy-in. The leader should be able to clarify how the structure achieves this. Communication/connection steps for the new structure must be built in to each item. Doing this will insure that the organization will move forward toward achieving overall goals.

14 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - A Theory: Speed of Gro... · 1 reply · +1 points

Ron, I like your thoughts about the rate of growth and decline. The theory seems to hold in many cases, but not all. I think of the apostle Paul going into Arabia for three years after his conversion during which he must have grown quickly to be a great leader of leaders among early Christians. He never declined from it. Perhaps the Holy Spirit and what I call private discipleship are the difference. Without the Holy Spirit's presence, we may be unable to absorb and learn from rapid growth experiences, resulting in rapid decline. The same may be true of churches that fail to build a sustainable disciple-making process and instead opt for rapid growth without effective discipleship. Private discipleship prevents premature decline.

14 years ago @ Reclaiming the Mission - ONE SIMPLE ORIENTING Q... · 0 replies · +1 points

David, Thanks for this article, as it is one of the best that sums up the problems and solutions as related to churches being and remaining missional. I think to a great degree church leaders must remain focused on the one purpose of the church- MAKE DISCIPLE-MAKING DISCIPLES. Once a church is "up and running" competing "purposes" sidetrack the leadership and the church to other things...the urgent takes control of what is important. Church planter must inject the right DNA (Dynamic Necessary Attributes) into the new congregation at the outset and then remain focussed.

Tom Cocklereece, author
Simple Discipleship

14 years ago @ Michael Hyatt Blog - Leadership Question #4... · 0 replies · +1 points

This is a great article as related to innovative cultures and creativity. I discussed some of the same ideas in a blog at the link below:

I believe these are great questions but #4 is the most important. A culture that creates a safe environment will encourage the other three points. One problem is the prevalence of the 20th century leadership model of command and control, which usually stifles the safe environment and thus stops the creative thinking.