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8 years ago @ Faculty Focus - Broadening Pedagogical... · 1 reply · +1 points
Just want to point out that Instructional Design, a field that focuses on developing instruction and training based on sound design principles independent of content and delivery, has been around since at least the 1970s and has a literature of its own that would speak to the needs you identify. Additionally, Quality Matters, an organization that aims to provide similar standards for online course design (also independent of content or discipline), has been around since 2003. So, I'm a bit confused at your discussion of 'pedagogical knowledge across the disciplines,' and how you see that as separate from instructional design. I would also suggest that it is not "impossible to track down all the findings and integrate them in any sort of systematic way," when there are quite a few places to find this type of discussion by searching for "instructional design," taking to the instructional designers employed by most universities (often in the IT or library), or even on generalized discussions/blog like MindShift (http://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/).