


3 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ http://findingmyaloha.... - Laundry Room Reveal! · 1 reply · +5 points

This has got to be one of my FAVE laundry rooms ever!!! My laundry room suffers the same debacle... passage from garage into the kitchen and main living space. :( Doesn't leave much room for pretty-ing it up, but you did an inspirational job!!! I'm keeping this post in mind for my Re-Do!!! Thanks for sharing!

BTW... new layout is great! I am new to blogging and already feeling very limited by my layout. I might have to follow suit soon! How did you get your inspiration/figure out how to do it?

14 years ago @ http://findingmyaloha.... - Monogram Letter Displa... · 0 replies · +5 points

I absolutely LOVE your hutch! That was a great score! I've found so much on craigslist, including my dining room table, which is a solid wood, distressed table from Cost Plus World Market, for only $450! So... I can totally understand your excitement! Also, I am totally going to try and work in some letters like yours! If I do the project, I'll make sure and link back to you for inspiration!

Thanks for sharing your beautiful handiwork!

14 years ago @ http://findingmyaloha.... - Monogramming a Bedroom... · 1 reply · +5 points

I LOVE your mirror. I have been wanting to do something very similar to this. You got great results and it totally personalized the bedroom. Congrats!!! Can't wait to see more of your room!