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13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - Deathstars getting you... · 3 replies · +1 points

But that this means now is that instead of 1 trukk, you need 3 to make a little cup behind them (or the vehicle that is tank shocking depending on conditions) so that they meet the requirements for Trapped and are automatically destroyed? Don't have my book in front of me for exact details. It takes a little bit more work than the 1 trukk method, but still not as bad as escorting each round.

13 years ago @ http://www.houseofpain... - SinSynn: When Good Mod... · 1 reply · +2 points

I bought a Crisis suit when I was starting 40k because I thought tau looked cool (still think they do). Being of the scientific mind I am, I saw the structural weak point in the ankle. I was confused when this tiny ball joint seemed to be the only way of supporting the models weight. So I stole the extra stand from the drone and popped it into the back piece. Tada, My Suit was hovering like a jet pack. It has yet to brake, and has nothing to do with the fact I don't use it..... lol

As for tyranids. I didn't have any real trouble with my Tyrant. I just used super glue, and put him together. I've even dropped him from a shelf, all it did was give him his now signifying bent horn.

I vote Metal Hive guard one of the worst models. They increased by $5 when they switched to resin, and by golly they are the only darn models that it justified on. I have 4 metal ones, not only do they tip, but you have the entire SOLID metal body being supported by three limbs. Each side being attached, so really it is two metal pieces holding it up. The kicker? The legs/sockets/joints are not even sized properly. The place where the legs are supposed to attach is like 1.5-2x larger than the limbs going in there. DO YOU KNOW HOW DIFFICULT IT IS TO PUT LIMBS INTO @#%#@$ HOLES THAT AREN'T THE RIGHT SIZE!!!!!!!!!1 Gah nerd rage release. Looking back I wish I had converted them from warriors. Le Sigh.

13 years ago @ http://hulksmash-homep... - Sparked My Interest - ... · 0 replies · +1 points

That is a similar list to what I was using, but I changed one carnifex to a Tyrant and took the prime to a guard, but mostly the same function. I like it.

13 years ago @ http://www.houseofpain... - House of Paincakes Blo... · 0 replies · +1 points

It still has that New widget shine. I hear they have an app for that.

13 years ago @ http://hulksmash-homep... - My Current 1,850 Necrons · 0 replies · +1 points

How do you feel this would stand up againts a BA Jumper list? Once they are able to get into CC, it would be a downhill slide for you.

13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - Breaking Doubles · 0 replies · +1 points

I'd recommend a rule about Special/unique, So that a double BA team can't bring two Mephistons.
I played in one where I was tyranids and my partner was tau, It worked pretty well. I was able to control the midfield well and became "The most expensive kroot screen" he had ever used.
I think the winner was Double eldar. At the smaller point levels they were able to do well, and had an Avatar and a couple wraithlords between them. It was a mean list.

13 years ago @ http://bestoverall.blo... - 6th Edition Magic Eigh... · 1 reply · +1 points

It is because they only have 18" range, and so wouldn't even be in range during night fight. And you really shouldn't pay for guns on a close combat unit.

13 years ago @ http://bestoverall.blo... - 6th Edition Magic Eigh... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yes, but up until now with necrons, when would raveners be in a position to shoot under night fight? They cannot deploy in dawn of war. Thus they are coming in from the board edge turn 1, with a 18" gun. Or they are deepstriking later and thus there would be no night fight. And why would you want to give raveners a gun in the first place. If anything I think spinefists are actually better for them.

13 years ago @ http://bestoverall.blo... - 6th Edition Magic Eigh... · 4 replies · +1 points

I almost believed it for a moment. Then I remembered my Raveners have Acute senses and I fell back into despair.

13 years ago @ http://bestoverall.blo... - Melta-guns, Bell Curve... · 0 replies · +1 points

I actually have a graph on my ipod saved that is the percent of rolling above each value for 2d6. comes in very handy.