Dan Hitt

Dan Hitt


3 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ http://darlenebnemeth.... - 8 Reasons Someone Envi... · 1 reply · +1 points

Wow, I really love when I see people doing things like this. I've helped out with the Begin Again Foundation for years assisting homeless, artists, etc. Everyone in the comments is right when they say how easy it is to forget how good you or i have it, but things like your post remind us and also nudge us to get out there again and do something for my fellow (wo)man.

great post.

This one was especially good.

11 years ago @ http://darlenebnemeth.... - Never Have a Bad Day A... · 1 reply · +1 points

I'm all about doubling good stuff in my life. I have a little, not exactly journal, but more like a notes book that I keep by my bed. I'm going to start writing the 3 good things each day as well, cause... why not? Like I said, i like doubling good things. I also love the word abundance and think that we should all think about what abundance we have in our lives: our friends, family, food, moments of reflection...

great post. I also appreciate that you answered the other commenter. Good vibe knowing you're reading some of what we say.


11 years ago @ Catarina's World - Could your visual pres... · 1 reply · +1 points

After working at PSAV, a presentation services corp, and running tech for hundreds if not thousands of presentations and shows, I can say that one piece of advice from your article resonated with me. Not reading material the audience has access to. I'm sure this took place in at least 60% of the presentations I watched and time and time again it resulted in a disengaged and uninterested audience.

Most of them are not aware but we were always back there poking holes in presentations, fixing them in theory and every time the slide show or document asked a question of the audience and the speaker answered it (which is essentially what you've stated in not reading information that you've already given them access to) it was so much easier to get through.

More of them should be reading more of this.

I also found the best speakers tended to have great timing on their long pauses. The better we thought someone was as a speaker the more they tended to take these great pauses that accentuated their point or brought the audience back with the sudden absence of back ground noise (their talking lol).

Great Article.