


10 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Uhhh · 2 replies · +18 points

LOL, that was funny. Some of you people need to lighten up. And this is coming from a high strung guy.

14 years ago @ Information Clearing H... -    &nbs... · 0 replies · +3 points

Someday, someone will put this racist p.o.s out of his misery.

14 years ago @ Information Clearing H... -   Bradley Manning... · 4 replies · +41 points

Clearly, the US govt. is making an example out of this guy to discourage others from disclosing American war crimes. THIS is the "land of the free and the home of the brave". Pathetic!

14 years ago @ Antiwar.com Blog - Prosecution of Ray McG... · 0 replies · +2 points

I'm sure Hitlery Rotten Clinton and her gang will come up with some lie, like they always do, to justify their action. I can see it now.. "we were informed by the Secret Service someone in the audience had a gun".

14 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Betraying Israel · 3 replies · 0 points

Talks about a Palestinian State have been a charade since 1967. Neither the U.S. or Israel ever had any intention of allowing a Palestinian State. The lies that have been told are infinite. The duplicity is profound.

And now, as the West Bank is largely made up of Jewish Settlements and Gaza is under siege, the U.S. and Israel still perform this evil charade. Both nations should be condemned by the whole of the world community. Boycotts should be directed at both of them, boycotts and divestments and sanctions.

Obama should be thrown into jail for being the world's biggest liar and Assange should be released and given Obama's Nobel Peace Prize.

Friends, the world is a madhouse. Black is now white and white is now black. How much longer are we going to allow the status quo to continue? How much longer are we going to allow the Evil Empire (the one run by the U.S.) to continue?

Stand up for justice, for equality, for human rights for all the world's people while you still can!

14 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - The Next 9/11 · 1 reply · +1 points

Ahhh, America's true colors shining brightly.

14 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Foggy Bottom Escalator... · 5 replies · +1 points

Our congressman and senators are more concerned about making sure Israeli settlers receive their 3 billion a year than they are with their own citiziens.

14 years ago @ Antiwar.com Blog - Obama's First UN Veto:... · 0 replies · +4 points

No, time for regime change in the USA.

14 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - The Next 9/11 · 1 reply · 0 points

And the demonization of Venezuela begins! In the never ending line of US boogeymen, Venezuela is lined up nicely to take Iran's place once Iran has been "liberated".

14 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - US cities at risk of b... · 2 replies · +39 points

And yet the US still has 3 Billion a year to give to Israel. When will America stop putting Israel first?