Personally I would say to look at Cardano as the next big crypto currency. There is going to be a lot of new developments released over this coming year, and even through the market has been under pressure lately, Cardano has held it's market cap particularly well.
I agree with Grangedigital above. Bitcoin is slow, really slow. At times when there is high transaction volume on the blockchain you can wait an hour or more for your Bitcoin to be sent and fully received. If it's even going to replace real money they have to make it faster than using a bank!..
On a side note, the technology behind it, blockchain, is another story. World changing stuff.
Wow I hope you shorted BTC when it was so high?
I like Binance but it has been suffering from a few security issues lately. Mainly due to insecure API's which have been compromised. This doesn't give it's customer much faith in knowing their funds are secure. Other than that I have had no issues trading with them. Easy to deposit and withdraw your tokens.. Just don't use it to store your tokens.. get them in a wallet!!
I don't think DOGE is that ridiculous. But hey what do I know. There are some super stupid ICOs being issued these days. They seem to make a coin for anything. Problems that do not even exist.