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7 months ago @ Musings - Sten Konow: The Aryan ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Here are some issues with using Konow's paper, which is from 1923. It is from 1923. If he had access to updated studies in linguistics, genetics, and archaeology, it is possible that he might have had different theories to the origin of the Mitanni-Indo-Aryans in upper Syria. Thieme (1960) has discussed Konow's paper. I am sure, there are others who may have. And Thieme's work itself has been considered in modern scholarship on the subject. That is how study of something proceeds, right? Each generation evalulates the work of its preceding generation. At some point, a 1923 paper will not be discussed if it is too dated, and updated studies already cover any value in that paper. So, the argument that Konow is 'conveniently ignored' is problematic:)

Hey, but thanks for bringing attention to Konow's paper here. I came searching for a paginated copy of it, and was glad to have found it here. Best regards!