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9 years ago @ https://mylittledrumme... - Taking Stock - November · 1 reply · +1 points

Your knee will certainly improve, and then so many things on this list are going to be all yours!

9 years ago @ http://www.pinkypoinke... - The Big Question: Is L... · 1 reply · +3 points

Enjoy the Tim Tams ALL TO YOURSELF. Turn it around and make it your time - set sail, go do all the stuff you didn't because you HAD to be there doing all the stuff. The point is, there is time for everything and now is a new time for new things and great stuff is about to happen.

Then again, what would I know? I have no idea really, I am still stuck making lunchboxes for everyone and trying to remember who has sport and who has library and who needs to be picked up and where the hell is the potato masher?

9 years ago @ https://mylittledrumme... - Nobody told me - 3yrs ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Hey Trish,

I had a large mole removed from my face last year, I am so glad it's gone now and it was actually a very painfree procedure and I never even ended up with a scar. I won't hesitate in future to just get any mole removed. Let it be gone and never have to worry about that one again.
My recent post It’s ok to play on social media with your kids.

9 years ago @ https://mylittledrumme... - Live below the line · 1 reply · +1 points

There is no way I could live on $2 a day. I just couldn't. Maybe as a family we could do $8 a day for one or two days, but that's just so little. Good luck. You have me thinking what I would be eating if this was my limit. If I had $60 a week for the family, what would we eat? What would I pack in school lunches each week. There certainly wouldn't be blueberries in the porridge like today.

My recent post I grew an egg.

9 years ago @ https://mylittledrumme... - Let\'s get Kranking · 1 reply · +1 points

You are always so determined with your exercise, I have no doubt at all that you will reach any physical goals you make.

As for me, it's time I stopped eating the elephant too!
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9 years ago @ https://mylittledrumme... - Voilà Stuff I l... · 2 replies · +1 points

I really like those straws...and some entertaining links. My fav was Judith Lucy's I am woman video this week.
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10 years ago @ https://mylittledrumme... - I made the best decisi... · 1 reply · +1 points

I didn't know of Jess until her death and it's a really sad story. I think the tough bit is that a young woman made decisions that possible led to her to live with pain and suffering and then to die an early death. That was her choice, and one she made with all the knowledge she could gain. I respect the choice she made, because treatment is also no spring picnic. But I still think it is such a waste of what might have been.
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10 years ago @ https://mylittledrumme... - Taking Stock: February · 1 reply · +1 points

I am wearng exercise gear too...but not making it to the exercise part.

10 years ago @ https://mylittledrumme... - February - A few of my... · 1 reply · +1 points

Nice dress!
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10 years ago @ https://mylittledrumme... - How to not get arreste... · 0 replies · +2 points

Good luck Trish. No one wants to see me in less then leggings while running. Have fun.
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