


2 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - A Letter to the Church... · 1 reply · +3 points

this is right on and speaks from the heart of many spiritual leaders. Thanks for posting, Ron.

12 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - The Lure (And Danger) ... · 1 reply · +1 points

There is so much talk and study these days about effective leadership within pastoral and church circles, much of it bottom lining on the truth that if you don't have followers you aren't leading. Leadership is all about influence. The best definition I have heard of spiritual leadership is... moving people onto God's agenda for their lives. 70% of tweets I read have to do with some aspect of leadership. I agree with the post, and I sense the bottom line is the heart and agenda of the leader. However, I think you can have a large, loyal following and have your heart and agenda in the right place. Where is the line between having a following and having fame? Is desiring to have a following automatically a desire to have fame? Is there something intrinsically wrong with people seeing a pastor as a kind of spiritual father and thus following them as they follow Jesus? These are questions that I think are at the bottom of the issues raised. Love you and your blog!