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9 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - VIOR'LA TAU vs DEATHKO... · 0 replies · +1 points

I have so many games to play as-is, I can't get another system! Right? Right?!

9 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - The Guardian Newspaper... · 2 replies · +2 points

Price point and no real grownup Star Destroyers gave me trepidation. I'll try it, I swear.

9 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - The Guardian Newspaper... · 4 replies · +1 points

I still need to try it!

9 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - XWing FAQ: A New Hope ... · 0 replies · +5 points

Autothrusters are a band-aid to the turret problem, we wouldn't need them otherwise.

The problem with 3PO and turrets are similar: they eliminate choice, have no risk and are bad for the game. X-Wing is a game of prediction and piloting, turrets (and PS9 decloaks) ignore that.

9 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - XWing FAQ: A New Hope ... · 4 replies · +3 points

I can live with this. Now we just need a stiff nerf to 3PO and turrets.

9 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - Lessons for Competitiv... · 0 replies · +1 points

These are good lessons for any game.

9 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - Lessons for Competitiv... · 2 replies · +1 points

I saw similar things going on at our X-Wing Store Championships. Playing 5 75 minute games with maybe 15 minutes between rounds plus another 3 for top 8 can drain your mental batteries rather quickly. My first opponent in top 8 said as much, he was exhausted after playing all day. Decision fatigue.

I deal with it by relaxing between rounds. Chat people up, talk anything but the game, let your brain decompress. Beyond that, stay hydrated and energized with water and snacks. Good snacks like nuts and granola give you sustained energy and won't make you wired then tired like sugary junk.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, take a moment and remember that you're there to have fun! We can lose sight of that in the heat of battle, but we're all there for a day or weekend of playing games.

10 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - Epic for Cancon · 0 replies · +2 points

This is amazing!

10 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - After-Action Report: E... · 1 reply · +1 points

I dunno, I'll take Psydreads over Knights, 2++ rerollable, O'vestastar, Centstar, Eldar summoning Daemons, Skyblight, etc.

HPs were a good idea, but the pendulum just swung too hard the other way. Nowadays, single shot low AP weapons are virtually useless compared to medium S, high RoF weaponry.

10 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - After-Action Report: E... · 9 replies · +1 points

Sure, that was the meme of the time, but we both know that wasn't actually the truth. Loganwing, Blood Rodeo, hybrid builds, etc were all very much viable.

On its worst day, the imbalances of 5th are nothing to the imbalances of today.