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9 years ago @ What Red Read - Bookish weakness: mult... · 1 reply · +1 points

I just posted a review today of The Truth According to Us by Annie Barrows that came out last week. One of the reasons I liked it was the multiple POV - and I loved the three characters it switched between.

That doesn't get any of the bonus points though - so I'll also recommend Lisa See's books, if you haven't already read them. I can't remember if ALL of them have multiple POV or just some, but I really enjoyed them all. They focus on Chinese and/or Chinese-American characters.

10 years ago @ What Red Read - I\'m too valuable to a... · 1 reply · +1 points

I love the Thursday Next books so much! I agree that series one is better, but I still love the newer books. I'm eagerly waiting for the next book, but haven't seen any information from Fforde on when that will be. :(

10 years ago @ What Red Read - Bookmarks! · 1 reply · +1 points

I love the Strand's bookmarks too and I use them pretty much all of the time. I love that they've slightly changed over the 9 years I've lived in the city, but not majorly, and they are still the exact same size. I have an embarrassing large stack of them amassed - it's about 4 inches tall!

I also collect Indie bookstore bookmarks - I try to get one from every store I visit. I don't use them though (aside from the ones from the Indie stores near me that I have a lot of bookmarks from), because I don't want to lose them.