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10 years ago @ http://readingismytrea... - Romance TBR Jar ~ Vote... · 1 reply · +1 points

Where's the poll? Anyway, I vote Cress for your next read. I haven't read the other choices but then again, there's no reason for you to procrastinate on Cress because it's awesome. Hahah. Sorry if I sound so demanding but go for it, Kaitlin. :D

10 years ago @ The Innocent Smiley - ARC Review: Raven Blog... · 1 reply · +1 points

Haven't heard about this book or of the author but I'm glad that you liked the book so much. Not so sure if I'm going to pick this up because of the inconsistent shifting of POVs. Gaah, I've just read a book where the POVs shifted ceaselessly and OMG, what a torture it was.

I hope the next book will be able to address the inconsistent POV shift and it's better than this one. :D

10 years ago @ The Innocent Smiley - Review: The Way of Kin... · 0 replies · +1 points

Bwahaahahaha! I've read this book early this year but haven't posted my review yet since the ARC reviews are still getting in the way. OMG! The first time I had this book on my e-reader, my spirit suddenly took a downward spiral because "1000 pages" is just way too intimidating. What if I'm not going to like it? Then I'm in for a pure torture since I rarely do DNFs but OMG, I breezed through it once I got started with reading this tome. :D I can't believe it but I finished the book in 2 days. That's quite an achievement because some of the books that I've read (they're only 200-300 pages) would sometimes take me a week to read.

And don't even get me started about the Words of Radiance. I hope book 3 will be released next year because I just found a liking to our dear Szeth. :D

High five, Val! Skybreaker, please come out ASAP!

10 years ago @ Lectus - Alienated by Melissa L... · 1 reply · +1 points

LOLOLOLOL! This book has been on my TBR since ages ago. Ok, I haven't read Obsidian, yet so I don't how this one fared to that one. But I totally get you about aliens suddenly changing their dam lifestyle because of an ordinary high school girl. I mean, I can believe that at some point as long as the author can provide a valid story as to why the girl is so special. But if the girl is just being clumsy and awkward all the time and yet still managed to capture the attention of Mr. Alien, I am sorry but that is just ridiculous.

I hope your next read will be better than this one!
My recent post Stacking the Shelves {34}

10 years ago @ http://studioreads.blo... - Review: Illusions of Fate · 1 reply · +1 points

Bwahahaha. I'm still on the fence whether to get this one or not. But thanks to your review, I am already decided to pick this up. The magical system in this book is interesting especially that the more noble your blood, the stronger your power is. But why is that? Hmmn.

LOL to more kissing. Bwahahaha. Ahhh. Sometimes, the romance in a book is all so good that you just want more of it. I like that this book was able to tease and keep you hanging in terms of the romance aspect. OK, SOLD!

Lovely review, Kirsty!
My recent post Stacking the Shelves {34}

10 years ago @ Thoughts By J. - Blog Tour & Review: Th... · 1 reply · +1 points

Yay! Amy and I almost have the same roots when it comes to the first reading inspirations. Harry Potter aside, I was also inspired by Dahl and Lois Lowry. :D

Err~ I cannot say anything about The Jewel and The Selection. I have no plans in reading the Selection due to some drama that I've heard. And I still have to read The Jewel despite the mixed reviews that I've seen on Goodreads and across the blogosphere.

As for your review, I'm sorry but I did not read it. I still have to read this one and there might be spoilers or triggers in your review. But anyway, lovely interview, Joy!

Good luck to the author!
My recent post Stacking the Shelves {34}

10 years ago @ The Innocent Smiley - Stacking the Shelves #... · 1 reply · +1 points

Yay! I also got The Emperor's Soul this week for the read along. Oh no, I am already behind. I don't know if I can still catch up. Perhaps, I will not participate in tomorrow's twitter discussion because I might look like a total derp not knowing what to say. LOL.

Hey, I am really sorry that you have a pretty bad week. I am not familiar with Chase though. Is it a bank? OMG! 950$ is already a lot. T_T I hope you'll get your money soon.

Here's to hoping that the succeeding week will be good to you. :D

10 years ago @ http://readingismytrea... - Review ~ Storm by Dani... · 1 reply · +1 points

I have Salt on m TBR pile but did not feel picking it up immediately because of the mixed reviews that I've read. It's good to know that this sequel was much better and that the character development got even more pronounced. It's very rare for sequels to outdo the first book. Glad to know that Storm achieved that.

Should I or should pick up this series? Now, that's a dilemma.

10 years ago @ Thoughts By J. - ARC Review: Apple and ... · 1 reply · +1 points

I haven't heard about this book but this one's up to my alley. I love MG books and the fact that this book is one and it tackles poignant themes, I'm surely going to add this to my TBR pile. :D I love that the author just focused on the sister and mother relationship and didn't get tempted to add any romantic drama BS.

Lovely review, Joy! ::D
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10 years ago @ http://www.timeturning... - The Most Nerve-Racking... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hahaha. This post nailed it. When I just started blogging, I also have a hard time rating books because I seriously want to give the most accurate rating without being biased to the author and at the same time, being honest with my readers. But over time, I did establish a rough method in coming up with my ratings which made things easier for me.

What I do is I rate the plot, the character development, the world building (only if applicable) and a bunch of other aspects. Once I have the figures, I will get the average and the resulting figure would be my rating for the book. :D But would you believe that I still have a hard time writing reviews? English is not my native language so I always feel insecure whenever I am writing a review because what if the my readers didn't understand it and they're just leaving comments because they want to be polite or something. :D