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8 years ago @ The Toast - Reasons I Would Make A... · 1 reply · +7 points

We did most of the Narnia books already and other than them I'm giving a hard pass (at least now) to any books featuring cute mice in them because he's a bit of an animist (NO MAMA don't throw out THAT PIECE OF LITERAL GARBAGE if you throw it away YOU WILL HURT ITS FEELINGS) and we get mice almost every year for a month or two in the fall until we find out where they're coming in from. so I don't want him objecting to us not sharing living quarters with vermin.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Reasons I Would Make A... · 3 replies · +3 points

I would love to hear more about your list.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Reasons I Would Make A... · 0 replies · +16 points

Like, the community that just takes Jane in and accepts her. Women supporting women, women having important ceremonies that keep the world running. Jane saving the day with empathy and love. Jane being smart and brave and taking initiative instead of being the passive blank canvas so many female characters are, even now, let alone back then. Ah, Jane. Jane Jane Jane. Move over Will, you're the best.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Reasons I Would Make A... · 1 reply · +16 points

If I'm right, Maenads tore apart men as their specialty while the Wild Hunt doesn't have such a narrow focus. So I guess you need to decide what your goals are as a force of vengeance. May I also suggest being one of Zeus' forces for retribution, a Harpy?

8 years ago @ The Toast - Reasons I Would Make A... · 3 replies · +20 points

My fave is Greenwitch. Jane doesn't get the credit she deserves.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Reasons I Would Make A... · 25 replies · +92 points

I'm currently reading the "Dark Is Rising" series to my 7yo. It's one of my favorite series so I'm, of course, thrilled to see the shout out. Remember when Herne casually popped up in it?

There was also Cornish and English mythology, kind of a smorgasbord of really incomprehensible and thrilling to me stuff.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Dad Magazine: June 201... · 0 replies · +24 points

My fave thing, the icing on the cake, is the aarp ad under the magazine cover. Although this issue looks great.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Women Who Have Gone Ba... · 7 replies · +56 points

Shelley Winters, from John Allison's webcomic, travels back in time twice. In one adventure she's eager to get back home to showers etc iirc & in the second she goes back on a mission that includes Hedy Lamar. Not horrible at all. No rape attempts.

8 years ago @ The Toast - "A'ghailleann": On Lan... · 0 replies · +69 points

This is beautiful, thank you. I'm going to share it with my husband, whose father speaks a dialect of Serbian & whose children speak it clumsily. I've been hesitant to try harder to learn it bc I'm afraid of being bad at it, being laughed at. This is an inspiring piece though. I'm glad you have good teachers, and friends.

8 years ago @ The Toast - John Denver's Testimon... · 1 reply · +55 points

So. What you're saying is that John Denver needs to write a Steven Universe song about friendship, beauty, magic, and glimmering rocks falling through the night sky beautiful enough to break your heart and inspire you to greater levels of love and friendship?