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11 years ago @ http://writinginflow.b... - Two of the Times Someo... · 1 reply · +2 points

I don't know if I would have the strength to write about this with such candor. I was involved in an international scandal and only on the edges, and I've ever thought about writing about it, even though it permanently altered the course of my life. My thoughts - you're right, of course, rape isn't something to be swept under the rug and the 'victim' isn't to blame and should never be made to feel like one or to be treated as if she is during the aftermath.

Caitlin (my daughter) told me last night she was thinking of taking a semester off to travel. I can't tell you how much this terrified me. Even though I did the same thing.. The point of my telling you this, I decided after reading part 1 of this series I want her to take a self-defense course. When did I become the worrying mother?
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11 years ago @ http://writinginflow.b... - Two of the Times Someo... · 1 reply · +2 points

The rose, at the end, tore me up. It's the rapist who should be ashamed, if not skinned alive. Beautifully, truly, amazing, article. As the mom of a young, independent daughter, this was a difficult post to read, but well worth it. Moving to part two.
My recent post Ten Things I Hate About You

11 years ago @ http://writinginflow.b... - Welcome to Cat Disneyland · 1 reply · +2 points

I have struggled my entire life with the curves of my form. Am I happy that I am not a perfect size perfect, actually yes. I am a work in progress and probably will be to my last breath. I used to be an avid biker, but that was before I discovered how much I enjoy walking. I log three miles at a pop, and try to make it out five times a week. It's good for my me and good for my writing. Your cat pictures always bring a smile to my face.
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11 years ago @ http://writinginflow.b... - Your Lovable Local Lib... · 1 reply · +2 points

My first experience with in a library was of the mobile variety. It stopped in front of my house every other Monday (how lucky was I). It opened another world to me. In fact, I found my one of my favorite books on the mobile library and I even mentioned it in in my Fab Five post today. I am a frequent visit to our library. It's a great place to write, of course, to read, and best of all, when I can't find what I want on the internet, I can research. I can't believe I remember how...
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11 years ago @ http://writinginflow.b... - If I May, If I Might · 1 reply · +2 points

I never thought about this before, may or might, and which to use. Like you said, after reading the excerpt, it felt awkward. I have a grammar book I refer to when I am uncertain, but recently have started seeking Grammar Girl. I recently had a story accepted by Spencer Hill - tough one -- time travel piece, anyho, I had to work with three differ editors, each of which had different views on possessive nouns that end in s. Good post, thanks for the mental reminder.
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11 years ago @ http://writinginflow.b... - Nobody Propositions My... · 1 reply · +3 points

As you know my feet are on par with Herman Munster's feet, so I've never had a man, blind or with site, not even Bigfoot ask me on a date because of my feet. I thank my father for my witty genes and my foremothers for my intellect, otherwise I'd have never kissed a boy and lived to write about it. I too went through the shoe obsession phase, but then, years ago I was a travel whore, always in the airport standing in line, running to catch a plane, to change planes, or walking the three plus miles between terminal a and b. Girly shoes with slender little straps are not cut out for dodging and diving around on going traffic. I discovered the ever and always will be unattractive Dankso clog. Hideous, okay, a bit, comfort, OMG, let me tell you how they hug my feet. At least now they come in cool colors. My favs are the reds. Only when forced, and I mean truly forced, do I don a girly shoe. I still look at them whenever I am walking through the department store, sometimes I even get dreamy-eyed, but that's the extent of my lust. Look but never buy.
My recent post A Louis B. Woman

11 years ago @ http://writinginflow.b... - Five Favorite Books - ... · 0 replies · +2 points

I only watched the first movie - it wasn't bad, but no where near as good as the book. He won a Pulitzer for it, not a shabby award. It wasn't my thing either, which is why I was so surprised to have like it as much as I do. It was then I realized it was characters in a story that I favored over the book or author. If a character lingers long after the book has been read, I know I will come back to it.
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11 years ago @ http://writinginflow.b... - Five Favorite Books - ... · 2 replies · +2 points

I am posting my five ( really, five) on Monday. We have a few books in common, and are a couple on your list I have already added to my Amazon queue. I am always intrigued by 'favorites' why a books speaks to one and not the other, how can one book mean so much to one and to the other it's vile. I remember reading Lonesome Dove - not my type of book at all -- and failing truly in love with the characters. I loved it, but after recommending it to others - they hated it as much as I loved it - I stopped suggesting books to others. It's so subjective, another lesson I have learned shopping my novel. Looking forward to writing my post, and reading Time Enough for Love. Thanks for the tag and the suggestions.
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12 years ago @ http://writinginflow.b... - Ann & Nancy Wilson - M... · 1 reply · +2 points

Freaky.. I just walked in from an endless day of errands (crank and miserable) anyho, before I left the car Heart circled round on my MP3player and I sat in the car and sang (howled badly) . I was thinking BEFORE I EVEN made it into my room, turned on my computer to read my email,how there are few artists like the Wilson sisters. I remember sharing Heart with my daughter and niece, both fell instantly. There is something about them that has stayed with me all these years, them and Linda Ronstadt, I never get tired of listening to them. I enjoy new artists, and I 'm always on the look our for new talent, but I am always going back to artist's like Ann and Nancy. I confess I didn't know any of what you wrote about, I just like their voices and their music, but now I am intrigued. I am so over the bitching about body image.. it's old and tired. Let's move on people, beauty isn't a size.
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12 years ago @ http://writinginflow.b... - The Deeper Horror of t... · 1 reply · +2 points

I think we're taught with or without awareness about such things. I've done the same thing time and time again, but catch myself. eauty is in the eyes of the beholder and there is no explanation for attraction. It happens all the time. You never know what a man sees in a woman, or a woman in the man, something clicks and bam, they're gone. I take it as it comes and assume it is the same for most. I know there are those people who can't see beyond the skin and to them, I saw, too too, bad.
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