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8 years ago @ - Weekly Shenanigans · 2 replies · +5 points

This was fun to read because I definitely remember watching this movie (about 20 years later) but could not have told you what it was called. I recall liking the robot and hating everything to do with the people.

Are you talking about Carleton College in Northfield? I grew up about five blocks away.

8 years ago @ - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +3 points

I liked it, but: V gubhtug vg arrqrq bar zber cvrpr - gur npghny pbasebagngvba sryg gbb fubeg gb zr. Naq V gubhtug Znpx jbhyq or va vg zber. V'z tynq jr tbg vg gubhtu naq V ubcr gurer ner zber vagrenpgvbaf orgjrra Ryran naq Qnvfl va gur erfg bs frnfba 4.

8 years ago @ - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +9 points

You know, if you want a new show to kickstart your new streaming platform, delaying production and making baffling statements about its appeal does not seem a solid strategy to me.

That's a great piece though, nicely lays out why that argument makes no sense.

8 years ago @ - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +2 points

Fpbecvba vf qrsvavgryl zl snibevgr gjb-cnegre va iblntre. Abg fher nobhg gur pbzcnevfba, ohg jr'yy frr! V ubarfgyl qba'g erzrzore zhpu nobhg ubj guvf rcvfbqr bs qf9 npghnyyl cynlf bhg rkprcg sbe gur raq.

8 years ago @ - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +4 points

Ur'f gur znva sbphf bs gur ubybqrpx fgbel V guvax. V erzrzore yvxvat vg gbb ohg V pna'g erzrzore ubj zhpu bs gur rcvfbqr vf npghnyyl va gur ubybqrpx.

8 years ago @ - Weekly Shenanigans · 4 replies · +4 points

If that theory is true, I will be really, really unhappy.

On a related note, Daisy's line about someone in shield dying terrifies me. I care the least about Lincoln, but he's newer and it seems like they're trying to give him character development so it doesn't seem like they'd kill him so soon. I don't want anyone else to die!

8 years ago @ - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +5 points

That was way better than last week, but so stressful!

I was kind of rolling my eyes through Malick's monologues, because the threatening villain under interrogation is a trope that I feel like the show has used a lot, but the dialogue could have been a lot worse and at least now he's gone.

The fitzsimmons scenes were cute. The pacing and handling of that whole relationship has been kind of weird but if this is the resolution I'm glad that it was quiet and casual rather than over-dramatic.

Lincoln's reaction at Infected!Daisy using his temper against him was one of the very few times I have actually been compelled by him all season.

The Hive calling Daisy 'Skye' at the very end is interesting--it makes sense that Ward's memories would call her that, but it also makes me wonder how Ward's body and memories being around will be included in the upcoming episodes. We've seen Coulson reaction to it at least, and maybe once Daisy is Daisy again it'll become a factor for her too?

8 years ago @ - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +4 points

Seconding all of this.

I really like this show, but it makes me so nervous watching it because the romantic relationships are such a focus, but I think it's clear that the best thing for everyone at this point would be for all of them to stop. Like, neither Josh/Rebecca or Greg/Rebecca seems like a healthy option right now, especially after this episode. And I think the show knows this, but it's walking such a weird line in terms of both genre and how miserable it makes the characters that I really have no idea where it's going!

8 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Voyager'... · 2 replies · +5 points

Vfa'g gung va gung rcvfbqr jurer Ghibx zvaq zryqf jvgu Fhqbe naq tbrf qnex? Vg'f fhccbfrq gb or guvf fvta gung guvatf ner qrfcrengryl jebat...rkprcg V jbhyq unir orra 100% ba obneq jvgu "Ghibx zheqref Arryvk" nf n cybgyvar.