Book Nympho

Book Nympho


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12 years ago @ What Red Read - \"It is hard to find a... · 1 reply · +1 points

Yay, you read it and loved it! I agree about expectations sometimes affecting how much we like a book, whether positive or negative. And I think you're right about possibly liking it more because it surprised you. That's how I felt about it and that's why I've been recommending it to everyone...then again, those enthusiastic recommendations might mean they don't have the same reading experience. What a dilemma! Still, glad you enjoyed it! :)

12 years ago @ That's What She Read - 2012 YTD Reading Stats · 1 reply · +1 points

What cool stats! How do you keep track of it all? I've started tracking my reading in a spreadsheet on Google Documents. So far I'm way ahead in books read as I surpassed my total books read this year with a few months to go in the year. I haven't checked how many pages or anything like that. I'd love to read 200 books in a year eventually!
My recent post 12 Books Mentioned in The Perks of Being a Wallflower

12 years ago @ What Red Read - The circus arrives wit... · 1 reply · +1 points

I agree, the atmosphere is great and the descriptions of the circus and various acts and performances were the highlight. But I didn't really get invested in the characters or feel strong passion between Marco and Celia. Still, it was pretty enjoyable.

12 years ago @ http://reading-rambo.b... - Outlander: The Neveren... · 1 reply · +1 points

Haha, such a funny post. I read Outlander for the first time a few months ago. Figured everyone was raving about it so I just had to give it a go. I really don't see why everyone is so mad about it, or Jamie for that matter. But I'm glad I at least read it and can now enjoy posts like this one and understand the references! :)

12 years ago @ That's What She Read - BBAW 2012 Interview Sw... · 1 reply · +1 points

Great interview! I especially liked the ABC game! Now I'm off to check out Melanie's blog! :)

12 years ago @ What Red Read - I\'m neither \"pro-wom... · 1 reply · +1 points

I've been reading reviews of this for some time and have been on the fence, unsure if this book was for me. But this review made me want to go out and read it ASAP! You gave such a great picture of what it's about and how it feels to read it that I want to get in on the experience too! :)

12 years ago @ http://jaynesbooks.blo... - Top Ten Books on my Fa... · 1 reply · +1 points

So many classics on here. I usually get in a classics mood in the autumn too, with a few horror-type books thrown in around Halloween!

12 years ago @ What Red Read - I\'m baaaaaaaack · 6 replies · +1 points

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Are you going to plan a bookish wedding? :) And I'm glad you had such a nice vacation. I've never been to Seattle but would love to go because it sounds so amazing. Those Paseo sandwiches also look like the bomb!

12 years ago @ http://jaynesbooks.blo... - Booking Through Thursd... · 1 reply · +1 points

I agree. I like both but do prefer stand alones usually. Some series are good, but most seem so drawn out and you get the feeling the author is just writing to make money and doesn't care about the story. It just depends on the book/series I suppose.

12 years ago @ What Red Read - The goal is that you\'... · 1 reply · +1 points

I haven't read anything by A.J. Jacobs but this book sounds really entertaining and interesting. Sounds like the perfect book to get started on by him. I was considering Year of Living Biblically or the one where he goes on a health craze, I forget the title, but this one sounds the best of all of them.