


6,255 comments posted · 15 followers · following 10

5 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +3 points

The first season was really good.. I'm going to watch it all again then sign up for YouTube Premium for probably just one month so I can watch season two.. heh

[youtube o0AXj5lebV0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0AXj5lebV0 youtube]

5 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +2 points

Oh! Sense8!!!!

5 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +3 points

Wow... Villanelle is... something else.. just finished 1x05

5 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 1 reply · +4 points

Killing Eve

I started the show a while ago but only getting around to finishing season 1 now.

5 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +2 points

For sure.

5 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 1 reply · +3 points

Well.. without spoiling anything I didn't find them very "nightmare-fueling" ... but I didn't read the book so don't have that reference.

5 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +3 points

Yes. Yes, it is.

5 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +3 points

I did. It was pretty good. I know of the book but never read it.

The dynamic between the two was certainly my favourite part.

5 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +2 points

Nyfb jung gur uryy vf hc jvgu Enpury'f rlr?

Pna jr trg zber fprarf bs whfg gur tnat unatvat bhg? Gung qvaare jnf nqbenoyr.

5 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +2 points

Up to end of season 3

Fb yvxr rirelguvat jnf ehaavat nf lbh zvtug guvax, gur pybar fvfgref ner trggvat n bar hc ba Pnfgbe. lnl naq nyy gung..

Naq gura JGS!?!?! Gung.. jbez guvat.. naq gung Sreqvanaq ghea.. V fubhyq cebonoyl svavfu gur rcvfbqr abj.