I really enjoy reading everything you write, Nina, and appreciated the thoughtful, thought provoking questions you ask here that can be applied to many religions. I'm confident you will find a creative, inspiring solution!
Love your photos! You are a beauty inside and out! I hope to meet you in person at BlogHer!!!
You are a strong, brave woman who writes insightful, passionate sentences like "I am broken but I can see clearly where my shattered pieces fit together." Thank you for sharing your struggles and your strength. Here's to slaying the demons by refusing to stay silent. Hugs to you.
Love this! Especially the last line. Lovely post!
Ah, the what ifs ... you did a great job with this - loved the descriptions. My "what ifs" center around what you described - what if something happens to my children, what if I'm not doing enough to protect them, etc. I'm aware my what ifs are simply distractions from me enjoying the moment, but that doesn't stop my brain from going there. I agree with icescreammama - keep on smiling!
Love! What a lovely idea and what wonderful pictures. I like seeing a glimpse of your day and am inspired to do something similar. Maybe. Once I put some makeup on. And brush my hair.
Great idea and what an outcome - you look gorgeous!! Congrats! Hope you enjoyed every minute of it!
I'm all in for fun! Gorgeous pics!
I love this story and want to channel some of your healthy respect and admiration for womanly curves. Please!! I'll take the bloat free part too. Fabulous post!
Reading your writing is like talking to a good friend - easy and effortless. Everything flows and you share your heart quickly. A lovely piece. I especially enjoyed your description of those emotion-filled car rides and your journey to acceptance and then affection for your new home. You keep writing, I'll keep reading. Thanks for sharing this.