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8 years ago @ - Beauty Lies in Literature · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm sorry about the lost opportunity! But I know there will be many more. I am proud of you too.

8 years ago @ - Of Freshness and New B... · 0 replies · +1 points

Exciting! I'm sure you'll be published someday. (And if you need an editor, I'm here- free of charge of course) <3

8 years ago @ - Merry Christmas to all... · 0 replies · +2 points

Love you more Jillie!! <3 Take care of yourself too. You need it. (: (Also it's 80 degrees here in Texas on Christmas, it's like shorts weather, it's ridiculous. And to think that 8 years ago we had snow.....stupid global warming haha)

8 years ago @ - From Small Beginnings ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Jillie! I haven't been active either, but am slowly getting back into it! I can't imagine how exhausted you must be, only getting one hour of sleep...if there's anything you can to do make things easier, maybe spread the work around a bit, you should look into it! Don't make me worry about you! You need a HUGE rest. Congrats on getting straight A's though! (So did I; high five!) And that's awesome that you went to Japan again, I have been cooking a lot of Japanese food lately because I love it so much but I have never been there. Yet. Merry Christmas!!! <3 -Ali
P. S. Your writing is so beautiful, looks like writing all those essays really paid off!

8 years ago @ - How Writing Made Me Wa... · 0 replies · +2 points

This is so exciting, Jillie! I'm glad you've discovered you want to be something really cool. (and don't forget it makes good money, too!) I hope you find that though it's hard work, it's still something you want to pursue in the future. Good luck with everything down that path, haha. I'm sure you'll be great! (:
My recent post Been Here All Along by Sandy Hall Excerpt

8 years ago @ - How I Annotate My Books · 0 replies · +2 points

ohmygosh I still hate the idea of writing in books haha. If I want to annotate (and that's usually only for heavy-duty classics like Lord of the Rings) then I'll use post-its. I don't think I'll ever be okay with "soiling" books :P
My recent post The Lake of Souls by Darren Shan

8 years ago @ - Post-Vacation Blues an... · 0 replies · +1 points

Oh I'm so jelly! I want to go to Scandinavia so badly now. Where did you go in Italy? (I've been there 3 times now too and am going again next summer!) Those pictures are great! I want to see the other ones you took. (: I know how you feel about post-vacation blues. I get restless all the time and feel the sudden urge to hop a plane somewhere. I always say I want to settle down somewhere for a while, but I have traveling in my blood.
I hope you enjoy all that reading and writing at school! I'm starting my first English class for my major next semester so I'll be doing the same thing, haha.
I also got a job at a local pet store, which will be a lot of fun. I'm just a cashier so I can't work directly with the animals until I work there after college, but it'll be a much better environment than a grocery store. And the pay is really good. (;
My recent post Blossom and the Beast by R.S. McCoy

8 years ago @ - May Also Means \"Summe... · 0 replies · +1 points

Happy summer! I'm so glad you made it through high school :D I just have to get through icky college finals and then I get a nice long summer too. (In which I will have to find a job again...ew) Also- Scandinavia yay!! I might be going to London again, but maybe not. Next summer I'm definitely going to Italy again though. Have fun on your trip (: <3
My recent post The Lightning Luminary by R.S. McCoy

8 years ago @ - And So The Blog Turns 2! · 0 replies · +1 points

Here's a more official CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR 2 YEAR BLOGOVERSARY!!!! I'm so happy you're still blogging and coming up with really interesting and fun posts <3 Thanks for the giveaway too! It would be really neat to have a bookish mug for tea and hot chocolate and things.
My recent post Omen Operation by Taylor Brooke

8 years ago @ - Why Is March Gone? · 0 replies · +1 points

AHHH GOOD LUCK IN EXAMS! AND YOU'RE GRADUATING SOON! THAT'S SO EXCITING EEEEE!!! I'm glad you enjoyed Julius Caesar. I did too. Don't worry about being on hiatus for school; school's pretty important too. I've been taking a bit of a break as well, focusing on school and my craft shop. (soooo many new ideas. such excitement.)
My recent post Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman