


10 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ GFunkified - Suburban Haiku (The Bo... · 0 replies · +1 points

I have heard SO MUCH about Peyton's new book and it sounds right up my alley! Would love to win a copy!!

11 years ago @ http://www.lollygagblo... - 100 Things In My House... · 1 reply · +1 points


We're sisters from another mister because Piper's in size 5 diapers and I'm doing the same thing. But I'm too scared to click on the 100 Things link. Because I"m a hoarder, too.

11 years ago @ GFunkified - Give Me Some Sugar (No... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm with Dr. G on this one. I don't love artificial sweeteners, but I prefer Splenda to most if I have to & have the choice!

11 years ago @ GFunkified - Love and Sunshine #iPPP · 1 reply · +1 points

ok, Greta--- the patch on the superhero made me swoon because well, I wish I could sew and fix my kids' stuff like that. also because Izzy used to have her eye patch and i would've loved to have you sew patches over some of her dolls' eyes!

oh, and the toenails! OMG! SO GLAD MY HUSBAND ISN"T THE ONLY ONE! but it grosses me out!! ugh!

11 years ago @ GFunkified - 5 Tricks to Help Get Y... · 0 replies · +1 points

Those look like ME. NEED.
Thanks for the discount and the incentive!!

11 years ago @ GFunkified - On Facebook and Death. · 0 replies · +1 points

I think about this, too. It's kind of crazy the way our world works now w/ social media, etc… and there was a post on BlogHer a week or two ago along w/ a video about a girl on Twitter who died. No one knew her (she was anonymous, i.e. her handle didn't include her name or info)… but the video included a timeline of her tweets. It was so sad to watch it play out. She had cancer and was given a few months to live. And some of her tweets… wow. I just… I just wish I'd known her, been there, tried to do something.

Wonder where we'll be with all of this stuff by the time our kids are in high school?

11 years ago @ GFunkified - Four Years Old #iPPP · 0 replies · +1 points

I love looking back at all the old photos. And I just want to say for the record: YOU CAN OFFICIALLY ROCK ANY HAIRSTYLE! Seriously, I am jealous! You look phenomenal with the shorter, cropped do (& blond), and now with bangs you look just as gorgeous. Most of all, you look so young and in shape and happy. Always. Love you.

14 years ago @ http://www.extremepare... - When they tell me blog... · 0 replies · +1 points

Oh wow. The baby Einstein set is amazing. I was sad I'd already given all of our stuff away or I'd have sent it to you, too.....

So grateful for bloggy friendships---and they ARE real. Glad the boys are enjoying their goodies!
My recent post Ramona Quimby- My First Love

14 years ago @ in these small moments - But still . . . Christmas · 1 reply · +1 points

I am so sorry this happened to you.

I can't begin to understand.

My womb was barren and empty despite years of trying until we finally conceived our twins through our 2nd round of IVF. And while we are blessed, there's that part of me that longs to remember those days with a little one.

But we are a family, and there will be no more babies for us.

And yes, life goes on---with kids, it has to. And it's hard being a parent at times like this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I appreciate your sharing this pivotal and powerful post with us. You are strong and brave and an amazing writer.

14 years ago @ Lisa Unmasked - Nothing is Wrong · 0 replies · +2 points

"This year, I finally let go of the lie that anything or anybody needed to change.

Nothing is wrong.

It really is all good."

Brilliant. I am printing this post out. I need to read it daily. I am letting go of so much lately and learning to fly. But it's hard and sometimes I revert to my old ways. But it sounds like you're on top of it and the world! Awesome post, girl!

erin @ the mother load
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