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8 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Donald Trump Just Said... · 1 reply · 0 points

funny stuff about megyn with a gun-and perhaps Trump is funny too in his own way-he likes to stir the pot-keep things a bit rocky-rock the boat-look under rocks for hiding capitol hill scum-but he keeps on trucking like a big old MACK fully loaded going places nobody wants him to-except the folks tired of all the lies and bullcrap given to we the people from the whitehouse and congress and all of the branches of government-the pentagon and the supreme court-lies lies lies !!!

8 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Muslim Employees Are F... · 0 replies · +2 points

thanks for the compliment-and no I do not expect a high level of fairness and morals from thugs-but I do expect them to complain when real justice is served

8 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Muslim Employees Are F... · 4 replies · -1 points

martin luther would have wanted you to help the white minority-just look what you've done -you've exceeded your brain's expiration date

8 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Muslim Employees Are F... · 1 reply · -1 points

Heck-a well educated redneck is rejoicing-not due to being a racist-just due to being against muslim radicals

12 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Video: BREAKING! Sup. ... · 1 reply · +7 points

Alabama is where I used to live and I am glad to see the great morals and decency still continue to be more important than some mutant mulatto that is about as transparent as a piece of fudge in a dark room on a dark night in a house with no electricity no moon light no flashlight-but candlelight and kerosene lantern and fireplace-mister rockstar thinks he is really something but being evil just leads to damnation-we the people need to get away from this freak and his immoral ways-this fool wants to defy goodness and dishonor us with his lies- he will be the example of what happens when you think you are like a god and you disobey all the rules

12 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Texas Threatens To Loc... · 0 replies · +3 points

all 50-captain are going with petitions -Obama is two years behind on closing up the year 2012

12 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Texas Threatens To Loc... · 0 replies · +2 points

absolutely-death row means it is time to check out-not keep on being hurtful -financially- to Texas

12 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Video: Congressman Dar... · 0 replies · +13 points

yes this is a great comment obama needs to answer many questions-just strap him to a gurney and inject him with the truth serum-then let donald trump interrogate this fraud and take him to the finish line where he has to resign and confess he is a crook with no USA citizenship what so ever- and neither was he born in hawaii-he is proud to be a muslim that has fooled many people he cares nothing about that ran for a second term of crime and cheated from beginning to end

12 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Video: Obama Stole The... · 0 replies · +13 points

Well-I think the film was made well and had good music-what bothers me is that Obama is not in Gitmo right now for not being qualified for president-every time you run for office -the candidates should be checked out thoroughly by very very very very strict Constitutional requirements-I have not seen any screening of this foreigner yet-in 2008 he won but McCain could have told the whole world the fraud is an indonesian citizen and demanded a records check-why he did not is why he did not become president and partly why dummy thought he could illegally run again-well now that we have a double dipper foreign president-a serial criminal-maybe Romney may want to do what McCain didn't?Just sling the words out there-Obama is not vetted

12 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Video: Obama Supporter... · 0 replies · +4 points

yes indeed-they do not know the power that is unlimited-and do not realize the weakness they have-they celebrate their own pride in immorality but fail to see the danger in going against Israel in any way-Obama thinks the same way-he thinks he is really something yet he is a failure and should resign and confess all of his many crimes-Nixon did but Obama can not-because he is evil and as transparent as a lead pipe