


271 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches \'Superna... · 1 reply · +12 points

Oryn'f fgbel vf fb urnegoernxvat. Fur'f jung, 14? jura fur znxrf gur qrny. Naq jryy, jung'f n fbhy pbzcnerq gb trggvat bhg bs n ubeevoyr fvghngvba? Pebffebnq qrzbaf ner tbbq ng znxvat gung fnyr, ohg guvf jbhyq or yvxr fryyvat sbbq gb n fgneivat zna :/

I had more thoughts but a cat is sleeping on my hands while I'm trying to type and it's not going well so I'll just sum it up by saying...Bela is great, Dean freaking out about the car being gone is hilarious, and Sam makes great faces this episode.

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Supernat... · 1 reply · +4 points

Znlor vg'f n Pebjyrl'f ure obff naq Yvyvgu vf Pebjyrl'f obff naq fb Pebjyrl trgf ure pbagenpgf ohg Yvyvgu trgf nyy gur pbagenpgf va gur raq...naq V'z abg rira ernyyl pbaivaprq Yvyvgu unq gur pbagenpg...jub gryyf hf Yvyvgu unq gur pbagenpg?

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Supernat... · 3 replies · +2 points

Okay I have a question only slightly related to this episode (spoilers to s5)

Jnf Pebjyrl nyjnlf gur xVat bs gur pebffebnqf be qvq ur trg gung gvgyr jura Yvyvgu qvrq? be qbrf Yvyvgu unir fbzr bgure gvgyr fvapr fur'f gur svefg qrzba naq nyy naq Pebjyrl'f na haqreyvat...naq fb jura gur pebffebnq qrzba (qvq fur trg n anzr?) jnf gnyxvat nobhg ubj ure obff unq gur pbagenpg fur zrnag Pebjyrl unq vg ohg Ehol jnagrq gurz gb tb nsgre Yvyvgu naq fb fur gbyq gurz Yvyvgu unq vg....naq abj V'z nyy pbashfrq ntnva...

Also I just realized...jr trg gb Zlfgrel Fcbg ba n Jrqarfqnl

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches \'Superna... · 1 reply · +2 points

Took me a few minutes but I think it's referring to Pnfgvry'f 'V'z gur bar jub tevccrq lbh gvtug...' gb Qrna'f "jub ner lbh?"

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Veronica... · 0 replies · +5 points

I think this was the episode I was just...done. I watched the rest of the season but...ugh. V pna'g rira erzrzore jub xvyyrq gur Qrna...naq V jngpurq guvf yrff guna fvk zbaguf ntb.

The MOTW was good for this episode but I hated everything else about it. Suddenly Madison is the one who drugged Veronica? And deserves all the hate while Veronica can tolerate Dick? The whole get Weevil to steal her car and crush is it so selfish of Veronica...Weevil is still on probation IIRC and pretty sure grand theft auto is in violation of that.

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Veronica... · 0 replies · +6 points

The only class I almost failed in college was accounting (like basic, core level)...I HATED that class and I remember taking my final and then calling my dad as I walked home and I telling him I was pretty sure I just failed that class. He was pretty great and just told me I could take in again, no problem, but I didn't want to take it again :/ I ended up getting a D...D for Degree! lol. I don't get the whole test thing either as all my proffs gave out old tests as study guides (one of my tougher proffs (he was old school and still wrote all his notes on the chalkboard, the kind that move up and down.) would give out old tests the class before, but there were only 4 questions to a test)

I don't like that Veronica accuses Weevil right away. (Vg qbrfa'g uryc gung vg frrzf gb or n erpheevat gurzr)

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Supernat... · 1 reply · +2 points

I kinda find this episode forgettable...Like, I was looking up the title because I couldn't remember which episode was next and I thought Tall Tales was gur bar jurer gurl vairfgvtngr ba gur zbivr frg. Vg'f qrsvavgryl zl yrnfg snibevgr gevpxfgre/Tnoevry rcvfbqr.

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Veronica... · 0 replies · +7 points

Fanta makes some, I think they do individual bottles at gas stations....Jarritos does a really good one but I don't know their distribution.

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Veronica... · 4 replies · +6 points

I didn't even know they made strawberry soda
Really? I see it all the time. They even have it in soda fountains at fast food places. It's a little sweet for my tastes, but I buy it sometimes if it's on sale.

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Veronica... · 2 replies · +16 points

Orange County, one of my LEAST FAVORITE PLACES IN THE UNIVERSE. Except Disneyland.

For some reason I read that as Disneyland being the least favorite place and I was like, What's he got against Disneyland?