


102 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - When principled men li... · 0 replies · +60 points

We salute you sir!! We salute Tan Sri Shamsul Abbas too. They are actually the real statesmen of honour.

11 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Struggling, Malaysia A... · 0 replies · +44 points

It is parasites like these that MUST go, NOT impose some more tax like GST on rakyat and feed these losers. Corruption must also go as Malaysia is known to be one of the largest illicit funds outflow. Subsidizing Proton and one race only also must go BEFORE any more taxes are imposed.

11 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Putrajaya admits fundi... · 0 replies · +150 points

It's now OFFICIAL what we always knew. UMNO is NOT fit to represent Malaysia and it is a RACIST party. It also hoodwinks the public that they are doing it for the Malays when they are doing for a few select ones among them only.But they don't mind taxing ALL Malaysians.

11 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - I’m no racist, s... · 0 replies · +108 points

What you speak out comes from your heart and mind. You are definitely a racist and a bigot because you speak lowly of your own wife. Shame on you. You are not fit to be a minister.

11 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Pakatan wasn’t i... · 0 replies · +33 points

This is an issue of national security and of international interest. Pakatan also represent rakyat of Malaysia. As Minister it is YOUR DUTY to brief them,NOT wait for them to ask you. Just shows how arrogant you UMNOs have become. You don't deserve to represent the people of Malaysia.

11 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Was Flight MH370&rsquo... · 0 replies · +14 points

There is GREAT suspicion that the Malaysian authorities are holding back important information that may lead them to being sued. First co-pilot's past behaviour, military giving conflicting remarks, etc.

11 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Ultraman not the ultra... · 0 replies · +7 points

Yes sir, it's now official, Malaysia can even stop super heroes from entering country. Don't play, play. Also have become official laughing stock for world to see.

11 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - The Home Ministry cann... · 0 replies · +23 points

Yes sir, its now official. Malaysia can even stop Super Heroes from entering country!! Don't play play. We are now official Laughing Stock of world.

11 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Post · 0 replies · +84 points

Perhaps the SADDEST part about Singapore being so successful is that many of the very people who were part of this success were actually once Malaysians who became disillusioned with the racial discrimination in Malaysia. This is a FACT. This becomes worst when UMNO continuously ask people to leave the country when they voice their opinion. As long as racial discrimination and corruption continues, Malaysia will forever be behind, they may even one day fall behind Vietnam and Indonesia which is fast catching up.

11 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Of blind understanding... · 0 replies · +37 points

Well said. Akyol said that Malaysia is among one of the countries with the harshest Islamic law in the world. Malaysia is Bolehland for all the wrong reasons. There is definitely something wrong with UMNO allowing all these extremists and racists to thrive!!