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10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Wild Rainbow CMC And S... · 2 replies · +3 points

Given the way things usually go, it will probably be a month or two before I can find these in my local Target stores. I'll be watching.

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Crazy City Paper Artic... · 0 replies · +1 points

To me it actually weakens the author's case. That's why I point it out.

One would hope that parents would not have their young children using a browser and/or Google account that is used to search for these sorts of things. If they do, they're part of the reason the results come up. This goes for much more than just MLP content, too.

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Clarification on Jan A... · 0 replies · +1 points

First, the issue is Hasbro Legal, not Hasbro themselves.

Second, hateful comments like that never lead to anything good. You can say you dislike them or even hate them, but a comment like "I hope you die" is just plain wrong.

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Crazy City Paper Artic... · 2 replies · +1 points

What you find on Google is partially determined by the kind of things you search for in general. If you tend to look up violent things, it's more likely to suggest violent things when looking up anything. The same goes for pornographic content. This leads me to believe that you probably aren't searching for these kinds of things on a regular basis while the author of the "article" likely is.

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Crazy City Paper Artic... · 0 replies · +3 points

I didn't twist a thing. And the problem isn't "Having somebody tell you that they don't care about what you like," it's that people threaten them, accuse them of being pedophiles, and the like. This can be damaging to their careers, mental health, and the like.Taking issue with that is not having a victim complex, it's looking at a problem that really exists.

Why the heck do I feel the need to feed the troll?

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Crazy City Paper Artic... · 1 reply · +2 points

Where, exactly, did I say we shouldn't care? I never did. Truth be told, though, unless you specifically go looking for the trouble makers you probably won't know who they are or be able to call them out on their actions.

My issue is that it is wrong to take a group, ANY group, and label them as being bad because of the actions of the minority. That's exactly what this "article" did.

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Crazy City Paper Artic... · 4 replies · +6 points

So people that are verbally and/or physically abused simply have a "victim complex?" Congrats on being a troll.

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Crazy City Paper Artic... · 4 replies · +83 points

I find that what Google displays when you search is *gasp* influenced by the type of searches you usually make. Certainly makes me question what the author does.

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Crazy City Paper Artic... · 1 reply · +10 points

Technically this horrible piece doesn't do that. It says that it's okay to like them but then goes on to exaggerate issues.

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Crazy City Paper Artic... · 9 replies · +66 points

I read the "article" shortly yesterday and found it horrible. Pure yellow journalism. Admittedly we have our issues just like any group, but they are blown way, way out of proportion to the point where I get the impression the author isn't the nicest person. Saying that we're "rape apologists" that have a "victim complex?" Oh please!