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15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead - 3/24 · 1 reply · +2 points

As I read through your posts, I can see that many of you are upset at the way things are going in this country and you should be. Moreover, I am glad that you no longer want to sit in apathetic silence. However, these issues that we discuss are never going to change by sending tea bags and having parties. While we're here bickering and complaining with ourselves, our so-called elected officials are plotting against us. They are disarming us. It is in this mist of confusion that they have so tactfully laid out that they will eventually put the shackles on us. Forcing us to be slaves as a means to justify their ends.
To really get the results we want will take tremendous dedication and drastic action. The reason being that our government is like a living entity that is only concerned about maintaining its own existence rather serving its sole purpose of protecting its citizens' rights. Ironic isn't it that the government can justify their actions against you with the force of a pen or worse yet, a gun, but any action of retaliation or dissent will ultimately result in your ostracization or execution. In the the declaration of independence our founding fathers stated that if a government is acting immorally, or irresponsibly we, as citizens have an obligation to overthrow that government yet any attempt to do so is an act of treason and bears the possible punishment of death. Our founding fathers faced those very same options and chose that it was far better to die a free man, than live as a slave.
So I ask you now, will you pick up your greatest weapon, your mind, and put your thoughts into action? Knowing full well that the road ahead will be long and hard, will you stand up to your would-be aggressors and say 'NO MORE!'? If it would cost you your life would you still take that stand? I don't believe that many of us would. at least not yet. Because there are still too many people that don't care as long as there is electricity in their home and American Idol on the TV. Things will get much worse before people will wake up and be willing to make that choice. It is when people realize that the choice is truly life or death will they make that stand. When it's the lives everyone and everything they hold dear is at stake. The truth is, it's already happening. Our lives are already at stake. How much futher are we gonna let them push until we decide to push back?