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11 years ago @ http://babywilt-eatles... - Strength ... or the la... · 1 reply · +1 points

I do bodyweight/light weight HIIT circuits as my main exercise (15-20 minutes per session), which involves a combination of strength and intense bursts of cardio. Plyo lunges are brutal, I certainly can't do 50 seconds of of them :-$

I think the best way to work up to full pushups, incidentally, is to do full pushups with your hands elevated, rather than on your knees (a sturdy windowsill works well).

11 years ago @ http://babywilt-eatles... - London Marathon 2013 · 1 reply · +1 points

Wow, congratulations :-) what a great achievement!!

11 years ago @ http://wonkymonkeymusi... - ABC quiz · 0 replies · +1 points

Please do! I'd love to see what you have to say :D

11 years ago @ http://wonkymonkeymusi... - ABC quiz · 0 replies · +1 points

Wow, at least I was spared the vomiting! It affected me by stopping my breathing reflex, so if I went to sleep I stopped breathing! It was tedious because I wanted to sleep really quite badly.... And yes, it was weirdly cathartic when the whole thing was out (well, it was several as it turned out, the big one was about the size of a melon). Lovely.

I'd like to pretend I have exquisite taste but I don't, sadly, if I did I'd have a more exciting and better paid job! :D

11 years ago @ http://babywilt-eatles... - Bella turns 3 ... or 21 · 1 reply · +1 points

Aw, she's such a beautiful girl, I always want to stroke her ears when I see pictures of her. She was the cutest puppy too!

11 years ago @ http://wonkymonkeymusi... - Bunnies and ice cream · 0 replies · +1 points

I wouldn't have had the faintest idea where to start with the rabbit if I hadn't been stalking your tutorials for the last few months :D

I'd like to see a comparison post between the Miss Sporty ones and the Rimmel ones! If only to decide exactly what other Metal Rush ones I need!

11 years ago @ http://wonkymonkeymusi... - Bunnies and ice cream · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you! I'll try the rabbit again at some point, I liked his little cute face!

11 years ago @ http://wonkymonkeymusi... - Gentle burblings · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you! Feeling much better today, almost normal, apart from the persisting sniffling....

11 years ago @ http://wonkymonkeymusi... - Stripes and stars · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you! They reminded me of those cream coloured minis you see around for some reason... Cold now finally on its way out, I hope.

11 years ago @ http://wonkymonkeymusi... - Khaki skirt again · 0 replies · +1 points

Indeed! I'm not a huge fan of salmon normally, but the taste of fresh-caught river salmon is worlds away from the usual farmed stuff :D