


19 comments posted · 1 followers · following 1

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through May 3rd · 0 replies · +2 points

There may well be better ideas out there, but this is something that can be done with just a little effort and coordination and can have the same of better impact as the tea parties themselves.
Mr Obama is a man who considers himself to be cool, and far beyond the un-hip types who appreciate American value and principals. Tell him he really should listen!

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through May 3rd · 3 replies · +3 points

So here’s my proposal, I suggest that each of those who attended the tea parties (and anyone else who chooses) select one day and send an email to the office of the President. In so doing I am in hope that the number will be in the hundreds of thousands and will do the same thing there that has happened here. Crash the server! Oh it won’t mean much, but it will send another message to Mr Obama. I further suggest that this group build a list of the media outlets who have treated the tea goers unfairly and so the same to them, send them a message as well.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through May 3rd · 0 replies · +2 points

I am appalled and angered and embarrassed to call this man, this countries President. I have never since the days of Dwight Eisenhower heard any sitting president refer to his countrymen in such a fashion. Kennedy didn’t do it during the civil rights struggles, and Johnson and Nixon didn’t do it during the Vietnam years and those were violent extremist, far from what has been exhibited during any of the 600+ peaceful demonstrations. I was staggered by the words of Obama in his reference to 250+ thousand people who wanted to send a message in a peaceful way, that he wanted to ridicule.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through May 3rd · 0 replies · +1 points

These same crazies, some of whom I suspect may just have believed (even for a moment) in the hope and change that was promised during the presidential campaign by that same President. That President! Who decries divisiveness, derisiveness and suggests that the high standard of American values should be on display for the world to see. That President, who I am sad to say at the above mentioned moment, chose to demonstrate his true colors, yet again, at the expense of the American people that he was sworn to serve and protect.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through May 3rd · 2 replies · +3 points

Having said that, I am applaud, and genuinely pissed at the notion that the President of the United States, (that is) the elected leader of the citizenry of this country, the same elected official who bowed to Kings of other nations, cozyed up to despots and the enemies of this country, laughed and joked to those who have tortured and murdered their own countrymen. This same elected leader who apologized for the arrogance of this nation to about anyone who would listen while on other nation's soil, this President, who offered to change the way of politics if we would but place our trust in him. Yes!!! this President, who called out and marginalized those tea party citizens as fanatics. Crazies who are red-neck, gun totin, bible thumpin, republicans (clearly they couldn’t be anything else, right?), who are firmly entrenched on the fringe of society.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through May 3rd · 0 replies · +2 points

Ya know . . . I just got home and was listening to part of Obama's 100 day celebration on the news. Now I get that the news media is all about bashing the tea party goers. I understand that the media wants to minimize, nullify, ridicule and basically dismiss those who would dare to raise their voices in angst and concern over ever growing size and ever increasingly invasive government.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 3/20/09 - 3/24/09 · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm afraid that I have little or no confidence in the opposing party pressing the issue of corruption. Congress on both sides is rife with it. And it is that way so they can't rat each other out. Oh don't get me wrong, there are those who throw the occasional bone to the press to get their teeth into. But just like the bailout mess, its beginning to unravel and Dodd and the boys are beginning to run for cover. But where is the Republicans cry for blood? All the rhetoric on the hill to the AIG CEO (who they put there) is all eyewash. They (the republicans) are too busy covering their own butts to be concerned. I tell ya, in many cases it's two sides of the same coin, and I wish it weren't ! That's why I recommend an outside source to ferret out the rats! I couldn't get this to post in the orignal thread. Sorry.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 3/20/09 - 3/24/09 · 3 replies · +1 points

nhagman posted: You know how politicians are. They literally hate anyone who is the opposition. This amendment would be self-governing. If a Democrat is guilty of corruption, a Republican will call them out in a heartbeat, and vice-versa. (edit for space).

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 3/13/09 - 3/19/09 · 0 replies · +1 points

Yes there is an elitist snobbery in DC and has been for a long time. But I am of the opinion that if we find someone doing something they shouldn’t be doing “We the People” should be raising enough hell about it that it can’t be ignored. We can do it in the location of the offense, we can do it with our representatives, we can do it with the Attorney General of both the State and the Fed. Hell we can do it with the ACLU if it helps (thought there not likely to go after liberals) but heck , we got folks wearing conservative brands that are breaking laws too.

If you want to get folks doing the right thing, you gotta make it very uncomfortable to do the wrong thing. When people start getting to sit in federal prison, when you make a few examples, then and only then will people who feel they are above the law will start paying attention to the law. If we (on this list) find a criminal act and make it known on here, how many phone calls and emails do you think could be generated? That is the hammer. And it should be pointed out to the target offenders just exactly who is responsible for exposing them.

Just my thought

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 3/13/09 - 3/19/09 · 3 replies · +1 points

I appreciate the sentiment, really I do. And if an amendment made it to a vote, I'd be pushing for it. The problem I see is that we still have to enforce the new law. I don't see making new laws a problem. The problem is; 1) we can't get the very people who we elected to make these changes, to make them, and 2) the reason is that in many cases the laws will not be enforced. Heck they're not enforcing the laws on the books now!

Take the recent event where John Murtha earmarked a rather large sum of money to a Penn State think tank only to have that money funneled back to defense contractors who (guess what?) made very generous contributions to his campaign. I think thats is against campaign finance laws, it is certainly against any moral code of ethics.