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9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - ‘We need help ca... · 0 replies · +1 points

Go to the Ministry of the People. The Prime Minister has taken over this Ministry. Good luck!

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Have respect for the O... · 0 replies · +8 points

The people who hold this Office must also have respect for themselves.
After watching a news clip on CNC3 this morning of the outfit worn by Reema Carmona at that event in New York, I would hide my face and keep quiet if I was the President of this country.
I didn't realize that so much of her body was showing. The transparent overcoat barely covered her sides.
He should be talking to his wife who is making herself a topic of bad discussion.

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - ...Caricom must establ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Dr Rowley , what you have said makes perfect sense as usual.

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - ‘They go kill we... · 0 replies · +3 points

I remember Vasant Barath saying on the Morning Brew that it was Jack Warner who visited a Hotel in South Africa after the 2010 general election, and struck a deal with this Brazilian firm to build the highway.
The loan was turned down by the IADB as there was no tendering procedure done for this project.
Peter O'Connor and Jack Warner are bosom buddies from way back when. Who is lying?

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Victory for Dumas in C... · 0 replies · +5 points

I want Anand Ramlogan to call a press conference to announce this decision of the Appeal Court., seeing thatt he calls one for every State victory.

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - The price for progress... · 0 replies · +7 points

Kamla and the Cabal don't care. All they see is $$$$$, to thief.

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Ravi collapses after f... · 0 replies · -5 points

Based on your comment and considering the amount of hate the Prime Minister has for African people,then she is very ugly.
Selecting four of the most racist persons to be a members of her Cabinet says it all.
Charming but deceptive.

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - PM: We must not let ou... · 1 reply · -2 points

Why is she making all these statements of national importance at Divali functions?
Will all victims be placed and cared for by persons north of the Caroni bridge?
Will she and the Cabal insulate themselves south of the Caroni bridge with all their stolen millions?
Why isn't this matter being debated in Parliament. Is she afraid of the truth being revealed?

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Trinidadian working in... · 0 replies · +7 points

What this man is saying makes sense. Also if you are returning for a three week holiday ,by the time your period of quarantine is up ,it is time to get back on the plane.

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - DEBATE EBOLA NOW | Tri... · 2 replies · -2 points

You fool!