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15 years ago @ KCRG - Flood Victims Ask for ... · 1 reply · +7 points

really KCRG..."Propery" i can accept misspelled words from people posting comments, but really, as a news organization, you should be able to have your headlines free of spelling errors...Do you guys get the same red line underneath errors like we do when we comment?
between that and your pathetic moderating software, I am done with commenting on KCRG, which I am sure will make some people happy.

15 years ago @ KCRG - UPDATE: Cedar Rapids O... · 0 replies · 0 points

it depends...how much has granny paid into social security compared to some homeless guy?

15 years ago @ KCRG - UPDATE: Cedar Rapids O... · 0 replies · +3 points

so that means they should get beat?

15 years ago @ KCRG - UPDATE: Cedar Rapids O... · 0 replies · +3 points

i can tell you there is a lot of minimum wage jobs out there, and even some jobs that pay a little more...but neither one of them comes close to unemployment...money is tight with unemployment, and we would definitely see our savings shrink up a lot quicker if I were to take a job at or a little above minimum wage....i completed college last year, and unfortunately i can't even get an interview for the positions that are out there in my field most positions want "3-5 years experience", so my choices right now is to go back to school for something else or take a lower paying job in a different field....which i have no problem with, but i have to make a little more than what most jobs are offering right now.

15 years ago @ KCRG - MIDWEST: Woman Reports... · 0 replies · -1 points

first squirrels and now otters....i hope this wasn't a chicago otter.

15 years ago @ KCRG - Animal Control: Dogs F... · 1 reply · +4 points

even though it was a very poor choice for dumping the dogs, it's good to know that the dogs lives were ended because of illness and not because of something else.
and even though you can put your pets in a black garbage bag and put it in the trash or landfill, i don't know if that is something I would be able to do with my dogs...

15 years ago @ KCRG - Car Crashes into Iowa ... · 0 replies · +3 points

I hope she loses her license. Maybe people will start paying more attention if they start losing their license for such carelessness....and yes mistaking your gas pedal as the brake pedal is wreckless

15 years ago @ KCRG - Rabid Squirrel Attacks... · 4 replies · +7 points

stupid chicago squirrels cause nothing but trouble.

15 years ago @ KCRG - Laid-off Iowa Workers ... · 0 replies · +1 points

there are jobs out there, unfortunately they don't pay anywhere close to what i was making previously, but they don't even come close to matching what unemployment covers.

15 years ago @ KCRG - Culver: Iowa Economy S... · 0 replies · 0 points

i don't think any politician really has our best interest in mind...but i hope that many people will find a way to not vote for Culver --- but i won't hold my breath since a lot of people just seem to vote for someone based on the (D) next to the name..