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13 years ago @ Big Government - George Will: Catholic ... · 0 replies · +2 points
The problem is so deeply ingrained that for want of full pews many religions have abandoned the bible. Thus the root of the saying churches are full of hypocrites. Our family spent a very long time trying to find a church home that actually sticks to the bible with respect to homosexuality, rights granted by God not governors, etc.
And that my friends is the truly scarey part of all this.
13 years ago @ Big Government - Who 'Invited' Nancy Pe... · 0 replies · +3 points
I'm sick of all of it. Carter helping his buddies make a fortune by putting a major navy base on a river not deep enough to support a fishing boat, senators buying up land and then pushing for a major highway that cuts through it to increase land values. Yeah Big Government - You cause Big Corruption!!!!!! And people don't understand the tea party goal of small government?
13 years ago @ Big Government - Self-Described 'Commun... · 0 replies · +2 points
One of these fish is not like the other!!!! That is failure waiting to happen. One believes in no government and the other two believe in total government. Kind of the extremes of the spectrum. It is interesting this is why he talks about offering overthrow with no structure for the 'other' side of the revolution. Shame on those who blindly jump with out thinking about the landing. They clearly deserve what they get. The rest of us don't deserve to suffer through their 'learning curve'.
13 years ago @ Big Government - Gay Ex-Staffer Files S... · 1 reply · +2 points
'That Party' is all about labeling. If you can't label someone or something then you can't use it to form a wedge. Unfortunately the only way socialism, communism or all the other despotism's thrive is by having an us versus them mentality. Rich versus middle class, Gay versus straight. etc. With no wedge 'that party' has no platform. Why? Because they view themselves as elite rulers and if the focus ever shifted to their elite raping of us they would be radically overthrown.
As long as there is a group of people who feel they are superior and have power there will be divisiveness. The 'funny' thing is in this case 'that party' makes a big deal out of being inclusive by providing lines of difference.
13 years ago @ Big Government - Wealthy Liberals Targe... · 0 replies · +7 points
And the involvement by Heinz is just one more reason to continue to use Hunts exclusively. I won't even pick up a Heinz anything.
13 years ago @ Big Government - Wisconsin Collective B... · 0 replies · +10 points
Wake up and grab a clue. No union representative has cared about the middle class since about 1950 or so. If they did, they would not -(1) force strikes to show brotherhood for other trades (when the IBEW strikes and all the other locals strike to show support no one gets paid. (2) empty the pockets of businesses through forced benefits which are not consummate with the skill level (25 bucks to sweep the floor is crap and everyone knows it) (3) have a dues payment which is enough above the operating costs to be consistently in the top 5 donors list for political candidates (so you'll understand that means the dues should be 10 bucks per month to support the infra-structure not 100 bucks a month to line pockets of union hierarchy and donate to politicians) and finally (4) they would be all about increasing the number and diversity of jobs not forcing companies overseas or out of business. It's OK, keep drinking the Koolaid. As Barnum said there's one born every minute.
13 years ago @ Big Government - Stand Against Honor Ki... · 0 replies · +9 points
Additional thought: So connecting the dots: I can chose to abort a life in the womb or at anytime after if it displeases me. WOW!!! Just WOW!!!! Could I get your mother or fathers phone number please?
13 years ago @ Big Government - A Tale of Two Drugs an... · 2 replies · +7 points
So FJR are you ready to abandon all hope for an Aids vaccine? Cancer vaccine? Cancer Therapy which gives a very high success rate and increases the survivability for someone? Oh wait, by definition being a liberal and wanting free health care for all indicates you would rather everyone get treated for a cold and be ignored for a serious ailment.
Your x ray shows a tumor. Could it be Cancer? We should check that out! Take two aspirin and try to get an appointment for next year. Signed your Doc
13 years ago @ Big Government - White House Releases O... · 2 replies · +5 points
13 years ago @ Big Government - White House Releases O... · 0 replies · +2 points