


223 comments posted · 2 followers · following 8

9 years ago @ The Toast - How To Behave When You... · 3 replies · +99 points

Come to think of it, do we truly know that Mallory ISN'T a time traveler?

9 years ago @ The Toast - Two Medieval Monks Inv... · 0 replies · +75 points

"What part of a goat is a snail again" is basically how I feel at work a lot of the time.

9 years ago @ The Toast - Things I Believe To Be... · 0 replies · +6 points

This Modern Love, it breaks me

9 years ago @ The Toast - Things For Which You C... · 2 replies · +7 points

I think it would be kind of neat to swap out my real one for a knitted one, in the winter at least

9 years ago @ The Toast - The Passive-Aggressive... · 0 replies · +20 points

A boyfriend once gave me Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. In retrospect the lesson there was "I love you, but I will never love you as much as I love Philosophy of Math."

9 years ago @ The Toast - "Perhaps the only doo-... · 0 replies · +5 points

banging on the seatbacks in JMG

9 years ago @ The Toast - "Ozten": Pride and... · 0 replies · +5 points

Oh my god Lady Catherine de Bouuuuuuuurrgggghhh

10 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 0 replies · +1 points

I want those and also his facial expressions

10 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 0 replies · +1 points

It's like 15 or 16 episodes and there is so much EPIC EMOTING and OUTLANDISH FASHION. You'll love it, Mindy.

10 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 4 replies · +5 points

"You Are Beautiful" on Netflix if you like a funny Korean drama about a teen nun-in-training who impersonates her brother in order to join a boy band, AND WHO WOULDN'T