


385 comments posted · 4 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ Pakistan Today | Lates... - Barbaric Israeli bombing · 0 replies · 0 points

Rubbish … Hamas has suffered another defeat on the battlefield … the innocents killed can be laid at the feet of Meshel/Haniyeh et al … it was their choice to fire rockets at Israeli civilian targets in major cities … it was their choice to build tunnels under the border in order to enter Israel to do terrorist acts!

Israel should NOT stop until they've completed their mission … ending the tunnel network and depleting Hamas's portfolio of rockets!

Peace will come when the Arab/Muslims accept their fate … losers in the Arab/Israeli Conflict … they'll have to make the compromises and concessions necessary for an End of Conflict Peace Settlement … may this happen today so that there will be no more killing … Inshallah

10 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Hey Baby, It\'s the 4t... · 0 replies · +1 points

Bob Dylan sang Chimes of Freedom in a 'rock version' for the album The '60s: Original NBC Motion Picture Soundtrack with who was listed as co-singer Joan Osborne … it's a better version than the Byrds … let me know what YOU think … 

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Assad to run for Syria... · 0 replies · +1 points

AND if you don't vote for him … he'll KILL YOU … literally

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Abbas in unity governm... · 0 replies · +1 points

The article reads; '… Abbas says any unity government with the Islamic militant group Hamas would follow his political programme …"

HOWEVER … Reuters reported SIMULTANEOUSLY that "The recognition of Israel by the president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, is not new. What is important is that Hamas did not and will never recognize Israel," Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri told Reuters."

So what's changed and what's new here? NOTHING!

The Palestinians can't have it BOTH ways … they can't have one group recognizing Israel and the other NOT RECOGNIZING ISRAEL … they can't have one group renounce terrorism and the other ADVOCATE JIHAD as the ONLY WAY!

BTW … where's Abbas's Peace Plan? He's simply been leader of his 'people' for 10 YEARS without making his case! Negotiate the Peace Deal directly with Israel TODAY …

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Israel puts a halt to ... · 0 replies · 0 points

You said: "A state created by arbitrary lines on a map" … aren't all states just arbitrary lines on a map? As a 'Northerner' you should know!

You said: "a state supported financed and defended by the USA" … the USA supports many states and has NEVER defended Israel EXCEPT with political support

You said: "a state in breach of UN resolutions"

NOT TRUE. And as I pointed out the UN is a political organ with 57 MUSLIM VOTES and 1 Jewish vote … doesn't seem fair to me

You said: "a state in possession of nuclear weapons with no oversight or agreement of international conventions"

Israel is NOT a signatory to the IAEA and therefore does not need their approval … is Britain? Is the USA?

You said: "a state who routinely bombs their neighbours into submission"

You mean that those who start wars are surprised when Israel retaliates and does MORE HARM TO THEM? WHAT'S YOUR DEFINITION OF WAR? Take one hit and offer the other cheek as well? Don't be surprised when Israel attacks as if they mean it … BECAUSE THEY MEAN IT!

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Israel puts a halt to ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Bulldozers? Did you see the play? Poor girl wasted her life for NOTHING!

ISRAEL isn't only the best army in the ME … they're the best professionally trained army … so if you've got a beef with Israel's 'management' of the Arab/Israeli Conflict you can take it up with any number of NGO's …

There are no murky areas for terror organs … unless you suspect ALL Western govt's for behaviours associated with terror? That's way 'over the top' … I'm still a believer in OUR shared Liberal democratic values and the 'rule of law' … last time I looked the terrorists don't give a damn about those values … besides I KNOW WITH CLARITY which side I'm on and I'm NOT pro-terror … pro-Islamist … or pro-Palestinian

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Israel puts a halt to ... · 2 replies · 0 points

Is Israel in breech of UN declarations? Since they are NOT! The Security Council? NO

So you believe the UNHCR and other organs ALWAYS crabbing about Israel is valid? When 57 States are members of the OIC (an Organ of Islamic States) … that is, a third of the UN members?

Let me know.

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Israel puts a halt to ... · 4 replies · -3 points


You said: "A state created by …"

A state created by International Law … in 1922 the Treaty of Sevres gave Britain the Manate over Palestine … its Mission Statement was to foster a Jewish Homeland in Mandate Palestine … in 1947 Britain relinquished the Mandate and the UNITED NATIONS voted to PARTITION Palestine into: ONE Arab and ONE Jewish State! On May 14, 1948 Israel declared Independence and was IMMEDIATELY attacked by 5 Arab/Muslim States … the COST in Jewish dead? 1% of the then population!!!! I said 1% of the Jewish Population DIED defending the nascent State of Israel ( that would be like … 64,000 Irish Dead in thei War of Irish Independence )…

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Israel puts a halt to ... · 2 replies · -3 points

Did YOU forget that Israel is a state and the PA is NOT … and neither is HAMAS, which has been declared a terror organization by Western States …

A State does not have 'terror organs' … if YOU'RE referring to the IDF being the best professional military force in the Arab/Muslim Middle East … of course, YOU'RE RIGHT! Striving at all times to adhere to professional conduct during its wars against Arab/Muslim aggression …

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Israel puts a halt to ... · 6 replies · -4 points

"defiance of international law" …

These are terms used by Israel's opponents in the mistaken belief that the Arab/Muslims would make peace and end the Arab/Israeli Conflict if only they would obey 'international law' BUT

there were no settlements FROM 1949 to 1967… and there was NO PEACE!

INSTEAD the Arab/Muslims have boycotted Israel since 1949 and continue adherence to the INFAMOUS 3 NO'S -


No surprise there then … indeed!