thearticle is wrong about hitting a womans car in buffalo she had actually hit him.
but if there was a group that was gay and they excluded straights or bi- sexuals would that be ok?
how public money do they , and public resources? god also taught us that gay's wont be allowed in heaven.
I suppose obama will say sorry to them for all this though.
its true man why do you think obama is such a good guy? he has even said that if you are succesfull its becuase other people have made you succesfull. not your hard work and your drive to better yourself, its because somebody else did.
He has not shown a valid birth certificate nor has he shown his college record is. May I ask what you do for a living? why doesnt eric holder and obama show there fast and furious operation records that congress has asked to show? or are they hiding something there.
why is it ok for rich liberal politicians to have off shore accounts? but not conservative rich people to have offshore accounts? Its none of your business or my business what people do with there money. Maybe the rich wouldnt put there money in off shore accounts IF liberals didnt keep wanting to tax them.
how is he playing the victim? he is simply saying that all obama has done in his campaigns is attacked him, and thats true.He is also pointing out obamas record as being the president. which has been horrible. what has obama done for american citizens? Im probably alot younger then you but I think I could take you in a debate over obama being a good/bad president.
why doesnt obama release his college records and his records he applied for financial aid then?
how has he helped stabalize our econmoy our unemployment rate has not been below 8 percent since he took office. HE is the only president that has never passed a budget during his ENTIRE term as president, and he had a democratcic controled house of representatives his first 3 years and still has a democratic controlled house. If you actually paid attention you would find out that 56% of americans OPPOSED the healthcare law. You like that fact that if you dont have health insurance there is a possibility you can wind up in jail for it? He has also gutted the welfare program making it possible to collect benefits now, and you dont have to have a job and you dont have to be looking for a job. You can just stay at home watch tv and collect welfare benefits. He is also paying for ads to get people to go on food stamps! SO how is any of that going to help our economy? people sitting at home collecting money from the government it an expense, not a moneymaker. Obama is a marxist and stands for everything that this country was founded upon. I bet you think it was great when he said sorry to japan for us dropping the atomic bomb on them uh? or saying sorry to radical muslims when they killed 4 u.s soldiers for writing in the koran. If a christian killed somebody for writing in the bible though that would probably be ok by you.