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13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - Portland Homeless Camp... · 4 replies · +9 points

Well, if it's a homelss village, there wouldn't be closets anyway. Hello, Grammy!!!!

13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - 10 Search Warrants Ser... · 0 replies · +1 points

My hours are different now, and I am very busy. You have me email, and you know who can always reach me. So don't be shy! Love you, Grammy!!!

13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - 10 Search Warrants Ser... · 0 replies · +2 points

I will keep that in mind so that when I smoke enough so that my IQ has lowered to around the genius level, I will know to quit smoking it. It's ok though, I have a long way to go before that happens... at least another 25 points or so. But wait... since I started smoking it, I have actually improved on tests... hmm... wonder how that works i n your pot makes people stupid theory? You do realize that the studies that found ANY measure of intellect decay were only for people who can't pull the bong away from their face hole long enough to get out of bed, right? I mean, we're talking about people who are literally stoned if they are awake. For the average user, it makes no difference. Can't say the same for beer. And on that note, I almost never drink. Guess because of the pot, my brain has decayed in function to the point I can't figure out how to pick up the bottle.
Look, the point is, almost 100% of the information given to the people about marijuana by the government is a crock of equine fecal matter. Real studies from independent science groups (who do much more than just stoner studies, BTW) have consistently pointed out flaws with both methodology and flaws in the tainted and colored results. So the logical man must ask why.
I know the answer to that one, too. And it is not, what I believe, most people think it is. But alas, I am far too high to explain it here.... Well, if Parental is correct, it won't matter to me for long anyway, as soon I will be far too stupid to care. I still win.

13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - 10 Search Warrants Ser... · 2 replies · +1 points


13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - Gamers Concerned About... · 0 replies · +1 points


13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - Community Unites To Fi... · 0 replies · +1 points

Need I say it again: "Summary Execution would solve the problem quickly."

13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - Saint Helens Couple Ch... · 0 replies · +1 points

You will note I no longer live any where near there?

13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - Officer Headbutted Dur... · 1 reply · +3 points

Ah, f' it, they should both be drowned. Worthless.
Good morning Grammy, Chief, and Kyle!!!

13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - 16-Year-Old Wounded In... · 0 replies · +16 points

New law, If you are a gang banger, and you are verified and caught, summary execution.
Problem solved.

13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - 10 Search Warrants Ser... · 4 replies · +3 points

Very well said. I wonder how many other people will see through the legality argument to see the real reason the feds are so against it.