


59 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Petrol stations will g... · 0 replies · +20 points

Trust no politicians, for they are just out there to again and attain.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - G25 growing with more ... · 2 replies · -69 points

Seems that this group is now out to help us affect change and to bring order back into place. However, we have to be careful with all these "secret societies". They could well have hidden agendas of their own. But let's stand by these knights in shining armour and see what they can do.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - US gives RM525,000 aid... · 0 replies · 0 points

We are still wealthy for the moment, and God williong that we would still be when Putrajaya is replaced with another government. I believe this meagre "donation" is merely a sign of goodwill by a foreign government. Note that the fund will be channeled through NGOs and not our government.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Dating advice, ISMA an... · 0 replies · +26 points

Dear Shamil,

The moment you associate yourself with UMNO is the moment I paused and said to myself that you're one of those lost cause who still think a race based political party like UMNO is relevant in the 21st century. And to support the Eric Garner protest as an UMNO member/supporter is much hypocritical. Why? We all know why. And I think you're smart that way to know why. So I don't have to explain why.

You also said that UMNO cannot be given up because its too "grand" of a history. Well for Malaysia to progress further, UMNO HAS to go. Again, simply because UMNO is preaching an ideology out of the apartheid era. Why? We all know why. And I think you're smart that way to know why. So I don't have to explain why.

Then you moved on to say that whole UMNO palace has room for you guys to manoeuvre. That you guys would fight for moderation and liberalism(presumably) within UMNO. Oh come on, it's UMNO in the end of the day, a party formed to protect only the interests of a particular race in this country. Why? We all know why. And I think you're smart that way to know why. So I don't have to explain why.

Finally you then went on to say that there's still hope for UMNO to transform and reorganize itself. You said that it has done over the decades. Oh really? From the old UMNO of Datuk Onn Jaafar to the UMNO Baru of Tun Mahathir. What an evolution right? To me, the chances of UMNO evolving into a more pleasant being is like rain pouring over the Sahara. Why? We all know why. And I know you're smart that way to know why. So I don't have to explain why.

So the question Shamil is, why UMNO? Why? For this we all don't know why. And I we're still baffled that way to not know why.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - BFM 4 hauled up for ra... · 0 replies · +5 points

To make things worse, Art 145(3) of the Federal Constitution affords the AG the absolute discretion to prosecute. Aiyo...

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Don’t make deman... · 0 replies · +130 points

Right. Does this mean the Chinese community need not pay their taxes anymore? The Chinese community is demanding because they are the biggest tax pool, yes that's a fact. Even Mahathir once said that 90% of taxes are from the non-Malays. So what's the point of paying taxes when our RIGHTS not DEMANDS to a sound fiscal policy are not respected?

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Read my answer in full... · 0 replies · +26 points

Article 11(4) of the Federal Constitution states that state law and, in respect of the Federal Territories, federal law may control or restrict the propagation of any religious doctrine or belief among Muslims. Now let's read Art 11(4) together with Art 11(5), which states that the article does not authorize or condone "any act contrary to any general law relating to public order, public health and morality."

Then finally, let's take all these into perspective. Isn't Ibrahim Ali's conduct considered to be an "act contrary to any general law relating to public order i.e the Sedition Act? It's no suprise that the AG's prosecutorial discretion under Art 145(3) is showing it's ugliest side ever.

To top it up, by her reasoning it seems the government may actually burn holy scriptures other than that of Islam's as it is "in spirit" of the Federal constitution. Is this so?

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Tweeting carefully, Ma... · 0 replies · +36 points

Now you can possibly explain why is this a good move? How does it benefit the rakyat?

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - In Sabah and Sarawak, ... · 0 replies · +26 points

They have no idea what they are up against. East Malaysians are timid no more as the warrior creed in many of us is rising up again. We have been "oppressed" for decades. From forced Malaynisation/Islamisation to the Project IC. We know our rights as agreed upon in the Agreements and that's what we are fighting for. Secession is only nothing but our last resort. But one thing is for sure, we need the support of our fellow West Malaysians in this fight of ours. If only West Malaysians are willing to hear out and stop blaming us for being "fixed deposits". Because we never had the attention to be such, or more so cause hurt to West Malaysians by keeping UMNO in power thanks to "our votes".

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Netizens flay sex blog... · 0 replies · -1 points

I couldn't agree more with you. A lot of us just can't seem to understand that Alvin Tan's stupidity is way above politics. It's just pure utter nonsense. Yes, we all could agree that selective political prosecutions are being carried out now by way of the Act. But this? Provoking fellow Muslims by buka-ing with bak kut teh? Joke or not it's insensitive. Come on lah! One needs to know his or her limits in this vibrant society of ours that we cherish dearly....