imagine the terror his friends felt as they saw the goat standing over him, and defiantly not moving away. How horrific. I guess any wild animal is capaple of taking down a human, and vice versa. Sad for the family and friends as well. sad.
hahaha, festus....seriously though, it doesnt appear to be the same description as in Ballard, but I reckon it could be close. They have got to find these guys/this guy. It is scary....Ladies, please, please be careful....Ipod out of the ears, and bring a friend
boy, either this is the same attacker that got his butt kicked by two other women this week, and is a total pu ssy, or this is another attacker who was a pu ssy. In either case, I hope they catch this or these guys. Something awful is going to happen. Ladies, I commend your fight, well done all of you! lets get this little pecker
Niice police work. Seems like this guy needs a long time to sort out his anger...say 5-15 years for his idiocy.
Shaniqua, Juan and the others need to be imprisoned forever for treason!
that is interesting data. Thank you for sharing that.
I apologize Luv. I am a bit profane sometimes, and do not mean to interfere with your postings, or cause you any discomfort. Please accept my apologies for profanities written now, and probably in the future. Welcome to the discussion. Concern for children should be offered to children in danger. My posts speak absolute truth as I see it, and if you read again, you will understand my point, I am sure.
you know, I have always been concerned about "investors".....I currently have a very schmucky investor who works at one of the big five investment firms. I am almoast positive he is working the exact same scheme. I am not a huge investor, but he has been screaming at me to give him more, and he is offering a 25 percent return....sorry folks, but he isnt willing to discuss the investment at all, and sounds desperate to get his hands on money. I yanked my entire portfolio today
wow, it amazes me how well treated illegal aliens are in this god