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7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Watch your mouth · 1 reply · +5 points

Oh man, yes exactly! I think this is a pretty common deflection move in grad school "Ahaha, yes, we're so screwed, everything is terrible, I have made some very poor life decisions," where you're acknowledging on some level that you feel really overwhelmed and don't have a lot of external validation, but at the same one's life is improved by my teeth-gnashing and "Oh man, I'm a MESS" posture, least of all mine.

This spring, I realized that my joking about the academic job market being terrible had crossed the line, and I gave myself a July 1 deadline on saying "[Blah blah] if I ever get a job, at all." Because, realistically, I'm pretty capable, but it's also a lot of random luck, and something will work out eventually, or I'll adapt as necessary. Dropping the posturing makes it easier to tell a friend honestly when I'm freaked out, but also to keep moving forward.

7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Watch your mouth · 4 replies · +6 points

There's not really an Angry Skyrbeast, but there is definitely a Rueful Self-Deprecating Humor Skyrbest who I not actually a great Skyrbeast model. It's so easy to slip from *joking about something* to *waaaaay too much bitter emotion and apparently I believe the self-deprecation, who knew?* Part of working towards being the best model of myself this summer has been cutting off negative self-talk, even in joke forms. I can make jokes about many things, but my self-worth or capabilities or professional achievements do not need to go on that bonfire.

7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Changing for the Best · 1 reply · +3 points

Oomph, Manka. This is wonderful. I came over here just to see what cool thing you were working on, and then there were Feels and something that I hadn't even thought I was thinking about, but resonated so much to hear it from someone else.

8 years ago @ The Toast - An Open Thread, and Se... · 0 replies · +27 points

My Toast resolution is to be louder and spikier, and to honor the message that I got from The Toast and all the wonderful people here that I am not Too Much in any way, shape, or form.

8 years ago @ The Toast - An Open Thread, and Se... · 0 replies · +4 points

It is so good! Thank you for reminding me of it!

8 years ago @ The Toast - A note on The Toast · 0 replies · +24 points

I was holding it together through all The Toast farewell posts, but then this. This. Thank you, Toast and thank you Madam Secretary.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 1 reply · +3 points

This is delightful, and also, how have I gone this long without knowing about Tacocat? Now I know how I'm going to get in the mood for visiting my parents in Seattle in a week: "Oooh beautiful Seattle/fall in to the sea/earthquake/tsunami/there's still no place I'd rather be."

8 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 22 replies · +85 points

At the last wedding I went to, there were so many of those 'Daddy/Daughter' moments that made me feel like there was a giant blinking sign reading "PATRIARCHY" overhead. It really motivated me to think through the list of traditions I would not be carrying on at a hypothetical wedding. (And my dad and I are close! But we can celebrate that by going on hikes together or drinking beer together, not by having him symbolically hand me over like property!)

8 years ago @ The Toast - The Convert Series: Re... · 11 replies · +13 points

If a person was interested in learning more about Quakerism, are there any books people would particularly recommend? (Beyond, naturally, The Witch of Blackbird Pond)

8 years ago @ The Toast - Friday Open Thread! · 0 replies · +3 points

I've been hunting aggressively on eBay, but part of the challenge is knowing about what size you are in a given designer/brand. On the other foot, though, now I have an amazing dress for my friend's wedding at 25% of the original price.