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14 years ago @ NewsReal Blog - Would You Buy a Used M... · 0 replies · +2 points

Here is the definition of taqiyya according to an imam of Sunni Islam (the sect practiced by the majority of Muslims).

Tell your family and friends that they look at Islam from their own world view which disapproves of lying and even has God-given commandments against it. Tell them Islam has no ethical system such as ours, no Golden Rule. They have laws that tell them what is permitted (to cut off infidels heads and polygamy for example) and what is forbidden (such as alcohol and pork and taking Jews and Christians as friends)

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: The polic... · 1 reply · +3 points

Thank you Robert for posting this video.

And for your view, Czechmade, that reminds us the Persians have resisted for so many years and are still resisting the islamic cancer of cultural annihilation and submission to a lower civilization. The question is, have they become too tied to islam to see that it's the cause of their misery? Do they understand their real enemies are in Qom? That the russians aren't their friends and marxism is not the way out of their suffering? Until they understand these things, the valiant Persians will fight down through history, over and over again, all for naught.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Obama\'s ... · 0 replies · +3 points

The Gulen group is in my town and has offered free trips to Turkey (accompanied by the members). The movement is similar to the muslim brotherhood, secretive, cultish and elitist. They are stealth jihad at its finest.

Here's links about them from the IHT:
and the Economist

and here are Gulen's own words about the koran that reveal his sufi salafi roots:

"In addition to its wondrous discourse, articulation, and styles of expression, with its social discipline, legal rulings, principles of good morality, and education, its analysis of the whole creation including especially humanity, with its many allusions and indications to the essentials of almost all the sciences, which are sometimes even presented as manifest expressions, and the alternative solutions it offers for many administrative, economic, and political problems, the Qur'an is the ultimate source of reference for everyone and for all times."

And, of course, there are ties to Gulen and George $oro$ but will have to rustle up the links later. Turkey is the dark horse in the muslim race to ummah power. After all, they did hold the caliphate for all those years.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: The Cultu... · 0 replies · +5 points

And BTW, thanks Robert for all your contributions.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Hijab-wea... · 0 replies · +4 points

We educate ourselves and speak out, barage our elected officials and media with our emails, carry signs that tell the truth.

I am human. I will die of 'something' so I may as well die 'for something, my civilization. We must be courageous, we must act. Robert and others have given us the bullets of knowledge, facts that we must aim at this insidious ideology.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Hijab-wea... · 2 replies · +15 points

If she is ignorant, so are we. We must educate the general public so we can have signs that say proud kafir, islam means submission, quotes from the koran about the Jews and Christians, about mohammed and his child bride, how husbands can beat their wives, etc.

It is not that islam is so strong, it is we are so weak. Educate, educate, educate!

16 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Dhimmi Watch: American... · 0 replies · +2 points

So who is John Kiser? Well he went to Russia in 1969 and loved the soviet culture and its diversity of people. He was a community organizer . . . Hud's Model Cities progam in Tuskeegee, Ala. He's starting to sound suspiciously like other lefties I've known. Here, read the rest of his bio for yourself.

Obviously, the "intellectual" Mr. Kiser has not read the Koran, any of the Hadith or the Sira. He speaks from ignorance and wants us to believe him. Why would I ever read a book on an islamic warlord by such a person, one who does not know about the foundational doctrine?

So what was he doing in Pakistan? My guess is he loves the sufis, there. All that ecstasy and music and energy. He is such a good little dhimmi that his masters may give him some nice treats if he keeps on track with his dhimmitude. See their comments on his book Commander of the Faithful at

16 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Fitzgeral... · 0 replies · +1 points

Well said, Sir Hugh.

You ferret out the meaning of the words,
scrape out the marrow of the bone of truth.
You reveal their message,
a message of master and slave.

So we gird our loins,
make alliances, join forces,
make strategies, plan,
do what we have to do,
learn who our enemies are.
They're not far, they're not brave,
they cave with a little push
from loving hands to balance the boards
with rational reasonable thought.
It takes courage to face the enemy full on.
But full on is how the war is won.