


231 comments posted · 45 followers · following 173

14 years ago @ The 912 Project Fan Site - President Obama Disres... · 0 replies · +1 points

You might want to take a look at the Correction Update in the article to find that I did indeed provide corrections and facts. See, unlike the leftist extremists, I'm not afraid to make necessary corrections in order to provide as much factual information as I can in order to keep the records straight. Thanks for taking time to read the comments instead of the article.

14 years ago @ The 912 Project Fan Site - The 912 Project of Des... · 0 replies · +1 points

I know members of Siouxland We Are Change have plans of getting a bus. There group site is at:

14 years ago @ The 912 Project Fan Site - Lewis Schaeffer Contin... · 0 replies · +1 points

Point well made and accepted. Thank you for your positive thinking that usually only comes from "truly kind souls".

14 years ago @ The 912 Project Fan Site - Lewis Schaeffer Contin... · 2 replies · +1 points

Robert, Interesting thought. I'd have to say Mr. Schaeffer is probably too nice a guy to take on that position and I would hate to wreck a truly kind soul like his.

14 years ago @ The 912 Project Fan Site - Brian Aitken Follows N... · 0 replies · +1 points

I sent a request for updates to Brian a few months ago and he has yet to respond. Maybe we will get lucky and he will jump in here to give us an update.

14 years ago @ The 912 Project Fan Site - Tea Party Groups and 9... · 0 replies · +1 points

Richard, Thank you for sharing this with our readers. We are always looking for additional resources.

14 years ago @ The 912 Project Fan Site - President Obama Disres... · 0 replies · 0 points

It's still all about Bush, isn't it? I think it's time for this President, and those who worship him, to begin to accept he is on his own now with nobody to blame but himself. Time to take on the responsibility of the job he was elected to do.

14 years ago @ The 912 Project Fan Site - President Obama Disres... · 0 replies · +1 points

You wrote, "And, considering his performance and attitude toward our country, is anyone really surprised?"

My answer: Not at all

14 years ago @ The 912 Project Fan Site - President Obama Disres... · 2 replies · +1 points

Were they working when they sent representatives on their behalf? Yes

They certainly didn't choose to take a vacation instead of doing their Presidential duties like your chosen one who continues to distance himself and disrespect our troops and our country. Speaking of vacations, you will absolutely love my next post!

14 years ago @ The 912 Project Fan Site - Radical Immigration Re... · 1 reply · +1 points

RFreeze, I guess since I am part Native American, this gives me some room to speak out. Immigration is a serious issue that is just as big a concern as many of the other many issues being addressed today. Most citizens of the U.S. come from immigrants and the continuation of immigration should always be an important topic for America. However, it must be done at a controlled rate to allow a gradual growth of the population and to allow the melting pot effect to work the way it use to.

The one great issue that is often missed is the great burden illegal immigration puts on society. I've been hearing complaints that enforcing immigration laws will cost too much for cities like Phoenix. To the contrary, enforcement is the cheapest solution to their fiscal issues. It would minimize the costs on the schools, law enforcement, hospital emergency rooms and the over burdened welfare systems.

"meanwhile tens of thousands of gallons of oil spill into our gulf and coastlines."

This is a very serious issue that all of us need to be concerned with. While the administration continues to apply their foot to the throat of BP, they are not talking much about where the fire booms are that were to have been purchased after being required in 1994. I'm going to hold back on commenting too much on this issue because I am still finding something funny on how several layers of precautionary safety devices all failed at the same time. We all know offshore drilling is hated by some groups with agendas of hatred for the United States. I'm not making accusations yet. Just pointing out that I am waiting to see if something else is exposed. Maybe I'm thinking too much on this issue, but there are just too many odd things that have been happening lately.