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14 years ago @ College Movie Review - CollegeMovieReview.com... · 0 replies · +1 points

you've seen this story a hundred times, but never like this. Finally 3D is what it's supposed to be, an instrument at the service of the movie. You'll enjoy the visual experience, no doubt.

15 years ago @ College Movie Review - CollegeMovieReview.com... · 0 replies · +1 points

So its not precisely good, but it has good aspects to it. They may not be good enough for most people to hear much about the movie, but at least it’s better than most of the similar genre movies from 2009.

15 years ago @ College Movie Review - CollegeMovieReview.com... · 0 replies · +1 points

cant wait to go out and see it tonight.

15 years ago @ College Movie Review - CollegeMovieReview.com... · 0 replies · +1 points

LOl @ aleedobie is also played in Queen as the PM of London and was also in that last movie about Richard Dixon and the interviews. Ok enough about that, my take on the film. THE MOVIE WAS GREAT, now I'll have to wait around another 7 months for the next chapter in the Saga - Eclipse.

15 years ago @ College Movie Review - CollegeMovieReview.com... · 0 replies · +1 points

To each his own. Just goes to show you, variety is the spice of life. I liked the movie. I needed a good laugh and i got it. Am i looking forward to buying it on dvd? No. It appears I'm one of the very few based on what others are saying and the opinions of critics.

15 years ago @ College Movie Review - CollegeMovieReview.com... · 0 replies · +1 points

It's such a pleasant, wonderful movie. It made me feel the way a good theater-going experience is supposed to make you feel. Take all your friends, it's a great time and if anyone tell you otherwise tell them to 'Cuss Off'.

15 years ago @ College Movie Review - CollegeMovieReview.com... · 0 replies · +1 points

***SPOILERS*****Great story telling to go along with all the ninja fighting and blood... the weakest part of the story was all the government agency crap... I think it was a bad choice to bring in the marines to save his ass when he was captured.... way too easy. They had a good thing going with our hero having to handle the situation mostly alone except for the help of Mika

15 years ago @ College Movie Review - CollegeMovieReview.com... · 0 replies · +1 points

I saw this film during the Advance Screening and I saw that it got mixed reviews everywhere. I personally loved it despite all its flaws. It was some great acting and just overall funny

15 years ago @ College Movie Review - CollegeMovieReview.com... · 0 replies · +1 points

There are a lot of people I've read who are calling this movie too "EXTREME", and I think a whole lot of other people are misunderstanding what they mean "ASSUMING" they are saying they believe these things don't happen in real life. That is "NOT what the problem is. Of course they happen, but Precious was just too extreme for a lot of people to believe it happens in "ONE" individual, which is why some couldn't sympathize with the "character"

15 years ago @ College Movie Review - CollegeMovieReview.com... · 0 replies · +1 points

This is indeed one of the worst movies I've seen all year. It's also poorly directed and poorly edited. If you have to see this movie, don't pay full price. Then, if you do happen really to like it, by all means, go back and see it again.