just cuz he does not believe in God does not mean God does not believe in him . and it says in the bible if two or more come together he will make it happen so thank what could happen if we could get our nation back on track . its a long shoot but a girl can have dreams right.
--- On Tue, 7/21/09, IntenseDebate Notifications <notifications@intensedebatemail.com> wrote:
she does not belive in abortion she would not do it but she wont stop someone if they want to do it
--- On Tue, 7/21/09, IntenseDebate Notifications <notifications@intensedebatemail.com> wrote:
yall we need to pray for our country that we will open our eyes and see whats going on and fix it ,that we seek God and try our best to live for him .We need to pray for our prisdent that God shows him what he is doing wrong so he will stop this madness .Pray that God will guide Obama and the rest of our govenment in the direction that God wants to take us in.
we need to do this as a nation .
What ever happened to One Nation Under God lets make those words mean somethang
i have a friend shes a dem and does not even know it , i tell her the truth about whats going on with the government and what not but says im negative , people like me is whats wrong with our country,im a hater , and thanks i dont not mean well for my country becuase of my vews .i know how you feel at frist cuz were friends it hurt but it made me stronger i know what i belive and know its right and its the best for my country .then we have the past to even say we are right the thangs the dems and liberals try have been done before it does not work .she calls fox news posin im sorry for thoes pople they cant haer the truth it may be bad but if its the truth they have to except it .they wont unless god opens thire eyes thats what we need to pray for and our country
it sounds great but with eny thang there is a problum i want to find out what can go wrong thou so we may fix it or dont to it
ok i love how you said the lesser of two evils .hey i have a friend who is a dem even thou she does not thank so . i tell her what obama and our government is doing but its allways negivtive and downing the dems i dont mean to but its the truth . so she thanks im one minded cuz i like fox better and watch all the time so she wont belive me when i tell whats going on she said one time that it was people like me that our country is in trouble i dont know what to do cuz she needs to see the truth got eny ideas
good point but i dont thank he is honest he just lets thangs slip out
ok i have a joke
what does god and obama have in commen
they both do not have a birth certificate
ok the prisdent has not done enythang to be impeached and if Obama leaves then we are stuck with Biden and i dont know if that is better he is an idot or at lest i thank so .Obama may be screwing us up but hes at least is smart i dont know what he was thanking about Biden . im very happy to see the nation waking up and seeing what Obama is doing hope fully we can get him out next go around .