


68 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ KCRG - Number of Police Calls... · 0 replies · +9 points


13 years ago @ KCRG - Stabbing During Cedar ... · 0 replies · +13 points

When the criminal is WHITE they mention their color. When they are black they don't. That's racist.

13 years ago @ KCRG - Dog Attack Ends with M... · 2 replies · +5 points

I own a pit and I bet my medical profession pays twice (at least) what you make. Loser.

13 years ago @ KCRG - Dog Attack Ends with M... · 0 replies · +4 points

That's right, the pit bull scores better than a lot of "family dogs". The REAL facts are that up until about 1960 the pit bull was nicknamed the "Nanny Dog" because of how wonderful they are with children. They were America's number one family dog. Well, then some people (like those from Chicago) decided they would use the Pit Bulls wonderful abilities and temperament against them. Pitties, like ALL terrier breeds, are tenacious, loyal, hard working, smart, and full of energy. They ALL need special training and care. Banning a breed due to ignorance is stupid.

13 years ago @ KCRG - Dog Attack Ends with M... · 0 replies · +5 points

Jeez, the ignorance spewed around here after a completely misleading Title is sad. The news is partly to blame for the hyperbole and attitudes some ignorant people have towards pit bulls. If any of you ignorant people want to learn something try visiting a few sites about dog breeds and not biased, attention seeking news media outlets. A good site to look at is What this organization does is go around the country and offer temperament testing for any dog. It is unbiased and unaffiliated with any breed specific groups. From there testing they have found that 86% of Pit Bulls are safe, friendly animals. Guess what a Golden Retriever's number is, 84.6%. Border Collie- 81%. Cocker Spaniel- 81%, Jack Russell- 84%.

13 years ago @ KCRG - Harmful Asian Stink Bu... · 0 replies · +1 points

Love the comments! lol

13 years ago @ KCRG - 12 Hawkeye Football Pl... · 0 replies · +4 points

I've had rhabdo. Lot's of athletes get it.

14 years ago @ KCRG - Family Still a World A... · 3 replies · 0 points

This Marine takes care of you and yours and yet you whine that you may have to lend a helping hand for him and his family?

14 years ago @ KCRG - Officer, Employees Pun... · 0 replies · +5 points

Why do people think africans are disliked because of the color of their skin? I have a black truck, black shoes, black hat etc etc, I don't dislike those things. I've even had black dog and he was great.

No, I think the reason blacks are stereotyped is because of their actions, not the color of their skin.

14 years ago @ KCRG - 20 Pounds Of Marijuana... · 0 replies · +3 points

3 brothers, huh? No surprise there. I wonder if they're related.