I just love the layout. Can't wait to see the final product! The entire area is breathtaking. Sooo much history!
Thank you so much ladies!! It was really hard. I live about five miles from her so I was able to be there. I lived at the ICU for about a week then I was there every morning and night to help her get ready for bed and stuff. She broke almost everything on her left side and had to have six hours of reconstructive surgery done that night. So glad the worst is over. It was really hard to see my vibrant mom on a ventilator uggg yuck. like I said she is doing great now but it will be a long hard road for her. She is tough she will make it through!!
Has someone knock on my door this morning. Nobody that comes over ever knocks. my family just walks in that just how we do it. Back to the knock. I got really excited and it was the Jehovah Whiteness. My hopes are dwindling *SIGH*
Is that in Utah?? We have a Saratoga Springs here
I love it up there!! It is such a historic cute town!! I like gramas I thinks that is what it is called in Heber. I Live in Springville so it is just a short ride there. Love the pics!! Thanks so much!!!
I got a email from HGTV this morning!! It said the 2012 winner is..... tune in for details. UHGGGGG AHHHHH Not cool. my heart just skipped a beat. I have been waiting for some sort of contact but that is not what I wanted to hear!! POO Im am pouting now. :(
So glad I found the party!! I was worried all my new friends abandoned me in the great room. I was like where did everyone go. I was heartbroken that all had found out something a bailed. So happy to see you guys!!
Whoa. Just got into bed to check the blog and I find this?? The newest blog shut down?? Ambush anyone. Still keeping hope alive for sometime tomorrow
Hate to be a Debbie downer but I just got some bad news from the Hubs. He is laid off for another three weeks and was supposed to get a bonus check so we could pay rent. It was half of what they told him. I hate this!!! we need the home now lol. We always find a way to work it out and I shouldn't be posting the yuck on here just need to vent. Cant wait to find out who the winner is GOOD LUCK!!
So I am having a hard time connecting to the blog today. Maybe Hgtv is trying to keep me from it??? They dont want me to know anything about the ambush they are going to do to me. More likely crappy work internet!! Still nice to dream!!!