Steve Murchie

Steve Murchie


3 comments posted · 186 followers · following 1

16 years ago @ Feld Thoughts - 500 Square Miles of Fo... · 0 replies · +1 points

Do we get to allocate our taxes next year to specific programs? How cool is that! ;-)

I'm right there with you, though: public/private partnerships seem to be the most efficacious solution to land-use battles.

16 years ago @ Colorado Startups - The Keiretsu Forum one... · 1 reply · +1 points

We do charge a nominal presentation fee, currently at $1000 in Denver. We don't, however, charge any application, screening, or success fees, or take any back-end participating interest in the deals. Fees are fairly common in organized angel groups, and I appreciate they aren't always popular with seed stage companies. Since we are more typically dealing with later stage deals with larger raises and have a pretty high rate of funding companies that make it to the Forum, our member-invested companies see the value. See for one successful presenter's viewpoint.

17 years ago @ Colorado Startups - Calling all you biz-e ... · 0 replies · +1 points

As someone who has spent many years in heavy-use Exchange environments, I've come to love and hate all the things that it can do for users who are all "under the same roof". Being in a much more wide-open environment now, with essentially no-one I need to schedule meetings with being on the same calendar server, biz-e is a huge improvement over e-mail tag. It brings the most useful aspects of scheduling in the Exchange world to the common ground of varied Internet mail users. I think it's great, and has more good things to come. [Disclaimer: I liked it enough to become an advisor to the company, so maybe I'm biased.]