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10 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Bloodhound... · 0 replies · +1 points

Zloty is kind of the Polish equivalent of dollars/pounds/euros. Grosz are the equivalent of cents/pence. So maybe the title is referring to the bigger denomination, rather than gold specifically?

10 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 0 replies · +5 points

This movie is perfect. It never even crossed my mind to consider it a bad movie.

10 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 1 reply · +9 points

Way too many. I have a soft spot for bad movies. But the first one that pops into my head is Grease 2. There's spelling in song and the girl wins a talent contest by sitting down in the middle of another song and singing a duet with a ghost...who presumably can be heard by the entire audience. There's also a song dedicated to bowling. What's not to love?

10 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 0 replies · +12 points

When did you start reading Mark's site/s?
Either when Mark was reading Goblet of Fire or Order of the Phoenix. A friend told me about him. As Mark started posting several reviews a day, we would text each other when a new one went up. I'm the only one who really kept going in the community after HP.

How many of his reviews do you read?
I read a lot of them months later, but I'm up to date on Tortall, Veronica Mars and The West Wing. Turns out I don't really enjoy reading along (only managed it with The Book Thief) and prefer to read his thoughts on books I already love - the pace doesn't work for me. I either speed right through or I lose interest, though I will often go back and read books he's already done at some point. I do enjoy watching along though. I watched along with BSG, Buffy, Angel and Dollhouse, all for the first time, which made it easier to stay on pace. I keep falling behind on shows I've already seen and am constantly needing to marathon to catch up.

How many videos?
I only listen to his Tortall books. It's like an audiobook with commentary so I can be doing other stuff and have it on in the background. Plus, this makes it easier for me to keep pace. I just watch all of the week's Tortall videos on Sunday and keep going with my life.

Have you met Mark?
Not exactly. I went to his first New York event but I had to run out as soon as it was done because I had other plans, so I didn't get to meet him or anybody else who was there. Wish I had.

Do your friends/roommates/family/coworkers know who Mark is now?
My mom does and I've mentioned him to some friends/coworkers who enjoy reading fantasy, but I don't think they get it.

How often do you comment?
Almost never anymore, I just don't have the time and I work weird hours. But I commented a bunch during Hunger Games, His Dark Materials, BSG, and all of Whedon's work - mostly because I had a lot to say about Angel's wardrobe.

10 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 0 replies · +11 points

My phone is dead. Or, more accurately, my battery is useless. It started on Friday when it stopped charging, now it is losing power when it's plugged in. And I need a phone because I work wonky hours, so trains mess up a lot and I need to keep people updated on when I'm arriving so I don't lose my job or have somebody waiting around for 20 minutes to pick me up when I'm stuck a few towns over. I ordered a new battery but it won't be here for 1-2 weeks. So I am borrowing my grandmother's flip phone. On the plus side, I don't have to worry about recharging it for quite a while. But I haven't had a flip phone since...2002. And I took the phone of an elderly woman who may need it for emergency purposes. =/

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Veronica... · 0 replies · +3 points

She was also in Fired Up! as the sassy younger sister I think.

10 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 0 replies · +6 points

Football bores me. I may have enjoyed it more if I wasn't forced to watch games in high school for marching band (which I was also forced to join if I wanted to be in concert band). I love sports movies a lot (actually wrote a whole paper on themes prevalent in most American sports movies for one of my classes in college - got an A, woo!) but I don't want to be watching a show about football every week. I got the whole "it's about so much more than football" lecture and a friend made me watch the first episode...and I was hooked.

I still don't like football but I adored the way it was used in the show. There were actually times I thought it could have used more football. And it helped me understand the rules of the game, which is helpful since I still watch from time to time.

10 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Trickster'... · 1 reply · +25 points

The Trickster books were my introduction to the Tortallverse (I actually received TQ as a present and was considering returning it when I decided to just read TC first instead - never looked back). And this was the chapter where I learned never to trust Tamora Pierce with my favorite characters. In TC, I was sad Mequen died, but he was an adult and he was refusing to listen to Aly's excellent warnings. Not that he deserved to die, but it didn't affect me the way this chapter did. I didn't even have strong feelings about Dunevon or Elsren except sympathy and a vague feeling of liking them. But if Pierce can hurt me this way by killing secondary or even tertiary characters I don't feel particularly attached to, imagine what she can do with my favorite characters.

Now whenever I think of Elsren, I get two images: him being super proud to carry in a small basket of his toys in Tenair when his sister was having a tantrum and him being terrified in the sea.

Excuse me, brb sobbing.

10 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 0 replies · +13 points

I'm almost caught up on a bunch of the things Mark is reviewing! Since December, I work PST hours even though I live and work in EST, so I've been having trouble finding a balance. But it's winter and I have no desire to be outside during the winter, so I've been catching up! I'm current with West Wing, Trickster's Queen, and Ella Enchanted (omg so may feelings - I've never read this before). And I'm 5 episodes into Season 2 of Veronica Mars - talk about an emotional roller coaster, so glad I'm watching this show. And...I've seen the first 10 episodes of Supernatural. Well, something had to slip.

Soooooooo many emotions. And squealing, lots of that too.

10 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 0 replies · +13 points

Matt Saracen. He won me over from the start and I just want good things for him.

Shout out to Smash.