


5 comments posted · 15 followers · following 3

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Pacific Northwest Wonk... · 0 replies · +4 points

I love you all, and this is heartbreaking. Here I've spent months looking forward to being around this bunch of stalwart, erudite, scholarly statesman (/-women) — aaaand it's during one of only two weekends that I'm out of town for a race. Dammit.

Best-case scenario, one of these will happen again soon. Next-best-case scenario, we'll just get together anyway, especially now that the 206 is back to Always Overcast Season, and interpersonal drinkiness is a health necessity. If anyone else is up for broaching Other Internet Venues Of Communication (email, FB, whatever) to the benefit of organized beers, count me in.

12 years ago @ Wonkette - Photographic Evidence ... · 1 reply · +6 points

All of you are *awesome.* I can't come up with a snark-infused way to say that without robbing it of its sincerity.

Thanks for this lovely welcome! Also too, necessarily: buttsecks, Blago's pompadour, traffic-stop slavery, trucknuts, etc., etc., etc. (cracks knuckles, flexes typing fingers)

12 years ago @ Wonkette - Photographic Evidence ... · 0 replies · +6 points

UNTIMELY REPLY: Oh hey, I finally got them off my phone! Cough cough: http://flic.kr/s/aHsjAxN57L ...Also, all of you are THE BEST.

12 years ago @ Wonkette - Photographic Evidence ... · 7 replies · +21 points

I approve of them wholeheartedly. Also, I feel morally weak for forgetting to do anything with the mediocre phone pictures I shot (i.e., even getting them off the phone).

I just wish someone would've remembered to photograph the amazingly-attired pedestrians we all met outside. I can't even remember what the occasion was.

12 years ago @ Wonkette - Photographic Evidence ... · 10 replies · +31 points

Incidentally, I'm JonWhoDoesntComment, although that went above IntenseDebate's character limit. DAMN. So, as of thirty seconds ago, I'm officially registered.

As an attendee, I can report that this Drinky Thing was great. And since I just moved out here from DC -- where I'm immodestly, obnoxiously proud to have won a 2010 Weepy Eagle -- my big fear (too far away for Wonkette events!) was swiftly put to rest. The HTTP-request-and-response version of Wonkette is delightful, but pairing it with real-life conversation and lager is even delightful-er.