


80 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - FBI to investigate Sea... · 4 replies · +9 points

it is implanted into the mentality of cops that we the people are the enemy,us v. them..i fully understand why some people hate cops and shed no tears when they are removed..we want to trust our police force to uphold the law and represent professionalism and fairness..why should a law abiding citizen have to fear the police?? innocence or guilt is supposed to be decided in the court not by rogue thug cops..i am willing to bet that this cop will keep his job and get a promotion, because of the ignorant people who think that all cops are something akin to gods and can do no wrong, and unfortunately these are the foolish elected can best believe that this animal cop has been spewing hatred for a very long time, only now does his actions come to light..i pray this dog loses everything and i mean everything....

14 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - FBI to investigate Sea... · 1 reply · +16 points

unfortunately, this type of behavior happens all the time here in seattle. we now live in a time where cops are considered GODs and can do no wrong,,The only reason why this cop apologized is because he got caught and brought an unfavorable light upon the racism and hate that the seattle police department supports. The SPD promotes intimidation. No longer are we innocent until proven guilty..the cops have free reign to break the law in order to enforce the can say that not all cops are bad, i disagree because no cop will stop another even when they see them doing something illegal..when was the last time you seen a brutality case where another officer arrested another for excessive force?/without being told to??

14 years ago @ 2News - Boise, ID - Lawyer: Meridian missi... · 0 replies · +1 points

I commend all those who try to do something to help the children of haiti. We have serious problem with trying people and stigmatizing them without knowing all of the facts. My concern is for the welfare of those children. IDAHO is a seriously RACIST state. Why would you take a kid out of the frying pan and throw them in the fire. That is crazy and totally wrong. All of these people concern me with their intentions for these black kids, i am concerned that they will be used as status ornaments. Nevermind the trauma they will have to go through dealing with the hate that people have for black people, and taking their identity and tuning it to what the OWNER wants it to be. These kids should at the least have an opportunity to grow up in a diverse population where they will at least have the chance to learn their heritage and maintain their identity. I hate to think of what will happen if they are taken hostage by some maniac. And i know deep down you guys have to agree with me RACISM still exists whether it is up front or subtle.

15 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Detective: Clemmons st... · 7 replies · -2 points

that is an absolute falsehood..check your lawbook..if you are not a suspect or being detained it is a right to walk away

15 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Detective: Clemmons st... · 0 replies · +1 points


15 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Detective: Clemmons st... · 17 replies · -5 points

hah any black man who wants to survive a poice confrontation had better give a cop his ID when asked, wake up this is happening. walk in these shoes,,On 125th and mlk a guy was using the payphone and told to show his ID he asked was he being detained? had he done something wrong? no to both..he refused and started walking. four king county sherrifs were there in less than a minute,,they surrounded him..What do you think would have happened if he had not surrendered..IGNORANCE is bliss you have no idea how crooked these people are,,

15 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Detective: Clemmons st... · 2 replies · +1 points

ok..i do have many more..i promise you that,,but i will drop it,,I kinda gotta respect SOME of what you

15 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Detective: Clemmons st... · 27 replies · -3 points

so you think i am whining??wow i only state facts as i see them..opinions are shaped from our experiences..ours are definately different,,as i said before i have no problem with the checking of IDs i have a problem with the round em up approach..this is an illegal tactic,,check the IDs and move on. Im not in the least afraid of the clemmons I am afraid of the police because of what they have shown us repeatedly,,we as a society need to stop ignoring police brutality and corruption

15 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Detective: Clemmons st... · 1 reply · -2 points

no that is a statement of tactics that are being used, i have never said i hate cops i have always said i hate crooked and brutal cops..I need no favor from others..for what?? i state what is fact for MANY of us who live in poor neighborhoods,,

15 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Detective: Clemmons st... · 9 replies · 0 points

I agree with all that you say,,except..cops dont protect example deputy schenes incident when the cop who came in didnt stop his punches..i never said all black men are innocent and victims,,and i hate the fact that you were turned down for a job you were qualified for