3p4 comments posted · 58 followers · following 0
14 years ago @ - WALA - school-system-investig... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ - WALA - Arrest of black schola... · 1 reply · +1 points
it never changes. Whites never protest when a black officer arrests someone white, or when a white persons home is broken into, you dont hear whining about blacks mistreating us...I think that the blacks are always wanting to be treated fairly and equal, but then want advantages when it comes to college, work and other situations. Live in america like all the immigrants or leave. I never hear Mexicans, Hispanics, Italians, Polish people, Germans, etc. complaining....just blacks, and then look at their neighborhoods, schools, etc. and they want to blame whites on that??????
15 years ago @ - WALA - Billings murder suspec... · 0 replies · +1 points
and smiling..what gives here? she had blood on clothing, weapons in her vehicle, the safe in her yard and
all these tough guys come to her after the crime? maybe she was having an affair....she seems to be the most important leader here and is the only one hardly wonder she dresses like that and smiles
15 years ago @ - WALA - Former local FBI agent... · 2 replies · +1 points
will believe this.