


15 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead - 3/24 · 6 replies · +2 points

Please post a bill number when you have a chance.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead - 3/24 · 0 replies · +1 points

I have been hearing this more and more and believe it is the proper move, put it in the hands of the people. They shouldn't be allowed to play with our money and print their own money which makes what we have worth less. How is this accomplished? By Congress? I would assume it will not happen in the next four years if that is so.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead - 3/24 · 2 replies · +3 points

Elliot, there is no such thing as a political value. You either have values or you do not. I think our values might be the same. I also want to help others out of poverty. My method of getting there is not the same as yours. I also want energy independence, but my way of getting there is different than yours because I want to preserve prosperity at the same time and I recognize we can do both. I also recognize that there is less poverty and healthier living conditions in capitalist countries. Where there is oil and gas, plumbing and autos there is prosperity, health and wealth. There will always be some poor, our country has been giving to the poor in social programs for decades upon decades and still the war on poverty is not won b/c government cannot win a war on poverty. One must pick himself up and do something and take control of his life. That's not to say there should be absolutely no programs, but the rapid expansion under the current regime is only going to spread poverty and not wealth.

Three of my family members will not receive cost of living raises this year. 40 people were laid off at my husband's job b/c of concerns about policies coming out of DC. How is this good for prosperity, does this loss of jobs and loss of wealth make you happy? It won't make anyone any better off. In fact, more homes will be in foreclosure as middle and upper class cannot maintain their previous standard of living, but nobody gains from that. The envious may take some satisfaction at that, but they will gain nothing.

When in American history or history of the world has socialism worked? Elliot, you need to get an education, dear.

I used to be a liberal too, I used to think the government was the answer to all things. Now I have lived and learned and I have read a lot more books to help me understand what is happening in this country, and I understand it is not good. Elliot, I still have hope for you and your generation. I hope you will give up the wholesale unquestioning of government and socialism. I hope you will become a leader and not a follower. You were brave enough to make a statement here, that means there is some potential with you and I hope it means you weren't just here to agitate, but that you were seeking answers. I urge you to get some of the books on the 9-12 reading list and read them. I read Obama's books, be objective and do more research, don't just listen to liberal media or read liberal websites. They say a lot without saying much of anything. I understand your younger generation doesn't trust easily, it is hard for you to trust what we are saying here is not just politically motivated or that we aren't just greedy. Try to learn more, then you will get it.

Although I didn't vote for BO, I only became a Conservative (not republican) weeks ago. Learn what conservative is, it is not what the media tells you. You control your destiny, the sky is the limit.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead - 3/24 · 0 replies · +2 points

Elliot, you are young and misguided. I would bet you make no money at all, or haven't held a job yet.

Just to be sure: You think the Constitution should be ignored if you feel that a new law or program can address a specific concern for a group of people? You think guns should be taken from citizens? You think people should not be able to say things that might offend someone else and that people should be prosecuted for criticizing people who have different views or lifestyles or religion than they do? You are okay with media such as radio, internet, and TV being controlled by the government to limit political or religious speech on the airwaves? You are okay with exactly how much (25,30.50%, at what point are you willing to stop) of your money going to government for programs? You believe government can decide better than you how to use your money. You believe government should tell you how much energy to use, what kind to use, and shut yours down when you use too much or tax you extra for using more than the prescribed amount? You believe behavior should be modified by using taxes to meet stated goals of the government?

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead - 3/24 · 0 replies · +2 points

Why are so many of young people okay with socialism? It's because a cruel hoax has been played on our school children, they are indoctrinated with social-justice teaching. William Ayers influence in schools is far and wide, his texts are among the most widely used in the public school system. Teachers can attend seminars for continuing education credits at one of his social-justice teaching seminars. Youth of today are okay with socialism b/c they have been taught that America is an evil empire ran by white men (Howard Zinn). They have been taught to emote, they are shown pictures that make them emote over the issues and they form these opinions before they understand the whole picture, before they can understand capitalism and how it is the one way that prosperity has grown, and that brings more people out of poverty. The youth are not knowledgeable about American History because they learn revisionist history with no primary sources.

I think the way to save America is to get all of our kids out of the public schools until they dispense with the NEA. They are a bunch of socialists who are indoctrinating our children for socialism. With more and more money being dumped into education and nothing done differently.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead - 3/24 · 0 replies · +1 points

Elliot, I invite your generation to get on a big ship to a socialist country instead of destroying this one.

I am not surprised that many in your generation support socialism. How much money do you make? Once you work hard for a living and have 25% or more taken from your check for programs you know nothing about nor support you may feel differently. I used to think big government was good too, when I was young and in college and when I didn't understand our founding fathers, the history of the USA (real history not the revisionist crap you read in public schools and colleges that are not from primary resources), or the Constitution like I do now.

I also am tempted from time to time to think "The government should do something about......(fill in blank)", but that is wrong. If I feel passionately about a cause then I should do something about it, rather than demand money be taken from the checks of hardworking Americans to achieve such a goal. If you are principled you stop right there and think seriously about whose job it is and if we should impose our will on others. Handing over power to government may seem like a good idea now, but how about when those same powers remain with people in power who do not hold the same views as you, who take liberties with things you prefer they do not. Socialism is only comfortable as long as you agree with the powers that be.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - America's Wish List Pt. I · 0 replies · +2 points

require all members of the courts, congress, senate, etc. to take continuing education, including a study on the Constitution and the founding fathers, and to take a class of the history of the United States from its birth to the present and it must all use primary resources.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - America's Wish List Pt. I · 0 replies · +1 points

stop using a majority rule mentality and start deferring to the Constution.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - America's Wish List Pt. I · 0 replies · +1 points

Term limits for federal judges

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - America's Wish List Pt. I · 0 replies · +2 points

Term limits on Senators and Congressmen